Saturday, August 31, 2019

Anti Depressants: An Overview

We must limit the number of young children who are administered antidepressants, as we do not have sufficient, if any, data regarding the effects of these drugs on the developing brain. Greater involvement from parents, teachers, ministers, and friends, as well as counseling and psychotherapy must all be used extensively before turning to the â€Å"quick fix† of antidepressants. In the last ten years, the psychiatric field has been flooded with a new group of antidepressants known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, or SSRIs. Michele Laraia defines an SSRI as â€Å"a group of compounds that block the reuptake of serotonin by the pre synaptic neuron† (6). By adjusting the level of serotonin, the mood-altering chemical which our body naturally creates, that reaches the brain, we can control the stability of a person's mood. Tania Unsworth writes that â€Å"almost 600,000 children and adolescents in the US were prescribed SSRI antidepressants in 1996† (1). A more alarming statistic, reported by Joseph Coyle, is that â€Å"there has been a 10-fold increase in the prescription of SSRIs in the US for children under 5 years old between 1993 and 1997† (1). Parents, teachers, and psychiatrists across the country seem a little too anxious to jump on the antidepressant bandwagon. Apparently, many people are willing to turn first to the quick fix of drugs rather than the more time consuming approach of counseling and psychotherapy, although these have proven to be much more effective in the long run (McDougle 1). The most common reason for the prescription of an antidepressant is depression. Until about ten years ago, depression was thought to be nonexistent in children. Depression is now found, using the same criteria used for adults, to be unquestionably diagnosable in children (Fishbein 1). Joyce Price notes that â€Å"the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry puts the number of significantly depressed children and adolescents at 3.4 million† (1). The consequences of depression for children include social dysfunction, academic underachievement, impaired self-image, and suicidal and anti-social behavior (Laraia 1). Depression is also commonly linked to other problems such as conduct disorder, attention deficit disorder, and anxiety disorder. In a survey done by Judith Asch-Goodkin, she reports that â€Å"of over 600 physicians surveyed, more than half (57%) had prescribed an SSRI for a diagnosis other than depression† (1). In some cases, of course, medication is really necessary in order to correct a persisting disorder or complex which, if left untreated, would continue to grow. However, in young children, drug use should be reserved for a final remedy, and even then used with great moderation. The problem with most prescriptions given to children is that these drugs are used simply as a quick fix. Claudia Kalb writes that â€Å"experts say frustrated parents, agitated day-care workers and 10-minute pediatric visits all contribute to quick fixes for emotional and behavioral problems† (1). Parents seem too eager to find an â€Å"excuse† for their child's behavior. The easiest excuse for a parent to digest is the suggestion that their child has a natural chemical imbalance, correctable by medication. This helps to put the parents mind at ease, assuring them that it is not their fault. In most cases the parents are so relived to find out that their child's condition is not their fault that they do not bother to look into other ways of helping their child; instead they put their trust in their doctor and do whatever he first suggests. Of course, the scariest thing about giving an antidepressant to a child is that less than 20 percent of the drugs used in children have been tested on children (Price 2). As a matter of fact, none of the drugs which fall in the category of an SSRI have been tested on children. However, since the FDA has approved them for use in adults, doctors can legally prescribe them to children (Crowley 1). The courts have always left drug treatment to the physician's â€Å"best judgment† (Fisher 1). In fact, Rhoda Fisher states that â€Å"prescribing physicians do not need any scientific proof that a particular drug is effective for the patient they have in mind to treat† (1). In addition, general practitioners and pediatricians do not, for the most part, have the psychiatric knowledge necessary for the prescribing of antidepressants. Determining which medication to use and when to use it can be a confusing task for these doctors (McDougle 1). Without the proper education, prescribing an antidepressant can be a shot in the dark. Rebecca Voelker found in a study of over 600 family physicians and pediatricians that â€Å"72% had prescribed an SSRI for a patient younger than 18 years. Yet only 8% of the physicians said they had received adequate training in the management of childhood depression, and just 16% said they felt comfortable treating children for depression† (182). Surely some method of regulating which physicians can prescribe antidepressants can be established. Furthermore, the vast majority of evidence, so far, suggests that antidepressants do not help childhood depression (Price 1). The body of a child grows far too rapidly for the drug level to remain constant in their body. Fisher goes on to put it more bluntly in saying that â€Å"in view of their negative side effects and clearly demonstrated lack of therapeutic effectiveness, it is inappropriate to treat the younger segment of the population with antidepressant medications† (2). Almost 80 percent of children who are put on medications were referred to doctors for school problems, yet antidepressants have been proven to be ineffective in treating school problems or nebulous behavior problems (Asch-Goodkin 1). Once again, another case where frustration in a child's behavior is put above the child himself. A quick and easy answer to everything does not always exsist. With no empirical evidence to support drug treatment in young children, many could argue that it is not only dange rous but unethical as well. Even in cases where medication is absolutely necessary, psychotherapy should always be a big part of the treatment. The goal of the medication should be to help the child learn to deal with their condition, hopefully drug-free at some point. Too many times the medication is used as the sole treatment. Christopher J. McDougle points out that † the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the AACAP, recommends psychotherapy as the initial treatment for mild to moderate depression† (1). He goes on to say that â€Å"the AACAP notes that SSRIs are never sufficient as the sole treatment† (2). It has been proven time and time again that most children are just reaching out and need an adult to show actual one-on-one attention to them. This is why psychotherapy is so very important. Children need that human contact. Of course, the primary concern in treating children with antidepressants is that we have absolutely no data on how these drugs affect the long-term brain development (Kalb 2). We are shoveling pills into the mouths of little children whose bodies and minds are at the most sensitive stages of their development, and we do not even know how these drugs will affect that. The pharmaceutical companies remain as the major funding sources for the study of various drugs and their effects on the body (Allen 6). The problem is that the law only requires them to test the drugs on adults. After that, it is up to the physicians who prescribe them. Allen explains their lack of ambition in pursuing such tests by claiming that â€Å"there is little incentive for the industry to conduct premarketing or post-marketing controlled treatment trials in children, since they are very expensive and raise liability concerns† (6). What is the key word here? Money. The pharmaceutical companies are not wil ling to shell out the extra money no matter what the costs. In his studies, McDougle found that â€Å"children and adolescents are more likely to have behavioral side effects; younger children being the most vulnerable† (5). Common side effects that are popular with younger patients are gastrointestinal distress, nausea, and anorexia (McDougle 3). Others common side effects are headaches, tremors, jitteriness, and nervousness (McDougle 3). Also, for some children hypomania, mania, and psychosis have all occurred (McDougle 4). On the other side of the mania disorders are the many different sleep disorders caused by these drugs. McDougle†s studies go on to show that â€Å"SSRIs, like virtually all antidepressants, alter sleep architecture, decreasing total sleep time, sleep efficiency, and the total duration of rapid-eye movement sleep† (3). The result of this is children who suffer daytime sedation, insomnia, and vivid, frightening dreams. In one of McDougle†s study groups, 42 percent had wild, vivid dreams that resul ted in the subjects injuring themselves enough to require hospitalization (5). Another concern, reported by Rhoda Fisher, is the scattered cases of children dying â€Å"suddenly and unexpectedly† (2). This may be linked to Serotonin Syndrome, a condition which can be derived from just one seronergic agent (McDougle 5). Children suffering from Serotonin Syndrome will experience fever, muscular rigidity, and a drastic mental status change. Also, they may be affected by hyper pyrexia (temperature above 105 degrees farenheight)mandating aggressive cooling, muscular paralysis, and intubation (McDougle 3). The time has come when we must demand that the pharmaceutical companies, physicians, and psychiatrists be better regulated. The changes made would be minimal but their outcome would be incomparable to anything else. Certainly, we must protect the health and the rights of young people who may not be able to do so for themselves. Medication is just a part, and a small part at that, of the therapeutic process. All options outside of medication should be thoroughly exercised before moving on to the next phase. Parents, teachers, and ministers must first do their part before recommending a child for professional care. After that, strict regulations must be put on doctors and psychiatrists to ensure that only those knowledgeable enough to prescribe antidepressants to children can do so. Furthermore, the pharmaceutical companies must be forced to test their products on any age group that might have access to these drugs. It is critical to the future of our society that we stop drugging are youth and look for more natural approaches.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Hybrid Cultures Essay

The ease of travel and almost universal access to the information superhighway facilitates the massive cultural exchange that goes on in the world today. In 2005, Kwai-Cheung Lo had written extensively on the exportation of Hong Kong popular culture and its strange relationship to China. Hong Kong could be considered one of the best modern examples of a hybrid culture. Settled by the British for 150 years before its transfer back to China in 1997, Hong Kong bears much similarity to the West in terms of economic development and commerce. Its culture, however, is quite different from the mainland and reconciling the two by expanding the definition of what it means to be Chinese is necessary as HK becomes less an independent entity and more of a Chinese protectorate. Today, the vast storehouse of popular culture proves that the sharp lines between different nations are thinning with martial arts films, anime, and panda bears occupy the same space as Western action movies, McDonalds, and pop music. Massive immigration from third world countries to the West, coupled with Western business people consulting with Asian companies contributes to the growing cultural exchange. The Disney phenomenon is a good example of this. Starting as a small theme park in Anaheim, CA, the company had developed parks in Florida, Paris, and Japan. Yet, the Japanese are determined to retain elements of their native culture even as they embrace an American business concept. When sociologists compared the American Disneyland with the Japanese version, they found many similarities and differences. For example, â€Å"Jungle Cruise is arguably the most American. It is a traditional Disney ride that has changed little over the years. TDL (Tokyo Disneyland) has kept the design and narrative of Jungle Cruise while modifying its spiel. Cinderella’s Castle Mystery Tour in contrast is unique to TDL. It is a story of Disney heroes and villains written for and told by the Japanese†(p. 32). References Luo, K. C. (2005). Chinese Face/Off: The Transnational Popular Culture of Hong Kong. University of Illinois Press Raz, A. E. (1999). Riding the Black Ship: Japan and Tokyo Disneyland. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center

Thursday, August 29, 2019

25 Summer Programs at Stanford for High Schoolers

It’s the time of year to start planning your summer! If you have a few weeks to spare and want to try something new, consider applying to one of these 25 Stanford-based summer programs just for high school students. You have worked all year to earn good grades and make the most out of high school. With summer around the corner, it can be tempting to kick back. While some rest is probably overdue, so is some exploring. Here are three reasons we think dedicating a few weeks to a program will give you the summer of your dreams. Meet peers with similar interests and drive. Some of the best and brightest students from around the world gather at Stanford each summer to learn from world-class faculty––and each other. Use this time as an opportunity to swap stories, share study tips, and dream together. Get ideas for how to pursue your passion . Students aiming to attend top tier colleges and universities will need a lot more than participating in a summer program to make their application stand out. That said, taking captivating seminars and going on mind-blowing expeditions offers a great starting point from which to continue exploring your passion after the program ends. Learn what life on campus is like. If you have dreamed of going to Stanford, an on-campus residency program gives you the opportunity to test the waters. Over several weeks, you will experience the daily rhythms of Palo Alto and learn whether this Golden State university is right for you. Spend seven weeks working in an active lab conducting research. Keep in mind you must have at least a 3.5 weighted GPA, with all As and Bs in science and math classes. Additionally, you must live within 25 miles of Stanford’s campus and come from a low-income family. You must also be the first person in your family who plans to graduate from college. Please ask a teacher to nominate you using this form . Ever wonder what makes chimps smaller than gorillas? Â  You can delve into questions about body size evolution during this 8-week program. Note: You must be from the San Francisco Bay area to participate.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


PETROLEUM ENGINEERING DESIGN PROJECT - Research Paper Example In addition, possible consequences formation damage in well-11 in the productivity of the Wytch Farm Oil Field is also covered. The methods of treating and preventing the occurrence of formation damage are also covered in this paper. The research paper also discussed the basics of formation damage, permeability and porosity. INTRODUCTION Wytch Farm Oil Field is considered as one of the largest oil fields in Europe. The oil field comprises of three major oil reservoirs namely: Bridport Reservoir (about 2900 feet or 900 meters), Shallow Frome Limestone Reservior (about 2625 feet or 800 meters), and Sherwood Reservior (about 5200 feet or 1600 meters) (Allen, Conran, & Lesso 2007). Being large, and that it is also associated with shale and limestone its permeability is low. In order to increase the permeability of one of the wells in Wytch Farm Oil Field, a horizontal well was developed. However, according to Bennio, Thomas, Jamaluddin, Ma, & Agnew (2007), compared with vertical wells, h orizontal wells are more susceptible to formation damage. Formation damage is a condition or a process in which permeability of the oil producing formations are reduced to levels that are lower than normal (Thallak, Holder, & Gray 2003). According to Thallak, Holder, & Gray (2003), the loss lof permeability as a result of formation damage leads to a reduction in oil productivity as well as inhibits access to other oil reservoirs. Therefore, due to the fact that Wytch Farm Oil Field is susceptible formation damage it is at risk of being affected by loss of permeability and consequently reduction in production. This research paper therefore aims at studying the possibility of occurrence of formation damage in one of the wells in Wytch Farm Oil Field in the United Kingdom. The research paper will also study the possible consequences formation damage in the productivity of the Wytch Farm Oil Field. RESEARCH AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Just as earlier mentioned Wytch Farm Oil Field in the United Kingdom is one of the oil fields that is susceptible to formation damage. The two man aims of this research paper are as stated below. i. To study the occurrence of formation damage in Wytch Farm Oil Field in the United Kingdom. ii. To study the possible consequences formation damage in the productivity of the Wytch Farm Oil Field. iii. To discuss nature, methods of prevention and treatment of formation damage in Wytch Farm Oil Field in the United Kingdom. iv. To understand formation damage in general. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In order to achieve the objectives of this research paper, the research first outlined the basics of formation damage (including permeability of the oil field). The researcher then outlined the various ways of preventing or treating formation damage. After an discussing the basics of the formation damage, these basics were applied to Wytch Farm Oil Field in an effort to study the possibility of occurrence of formation damage in Wytch Farm Oil Field in the United Kingdom. This involved studying the formation of the Wytch Farm Oil Field (including porosity and permeability the formation). A number formulas and equations were used in this research and they are as stated bel

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Crime rate in Accra Ghana and its contributing factors Essay

Crime rate in Accra Ghana and its contributing factors - Essay Example The recent increase in horrendous crime in Accra present an issue of major concern demanding global attention because armed robberies, rapes, murders, and burglaries occur on daily basis now. The list of horrific atrocities committed by active criminals in Accra goes on and on and the societal structure is being deteriorated more and more, eventually. Both local citizens and expatriates are badly offended and affected by this phenomenal increase in crime rate, and no one can remain oblivious to this strengthening societal evil. The growing crime pattern largely depicts the devastated economic conditions that are prevalent in Accra. With the population of the Accra city recorded to be 4.5 million as of 2011, Accra represents the largest metropolitan assembly in Ghana. (Vanderpuije). Crime is a major challenge to the administrative team of Accra owing to the high density of population in the city. As the city of Accra is considered to be the hub of Ghana due to its massive population, this place has also become the hub of criminal activities as well. Urban growth has brought with itself the problems of low economic conditions, unemployment, lack of educational oppurtunities, and poor infrastructural state. (Adu-Mireku 153-168). The combination of giant population and poor economic state proves to be lethal for the suture potential of any place. This is because many facilities needed ferociously for the giant population are cancelled out by low economic state of a city. The case of Accra is just the same because more and more employment opportunities are demanded by the local citizens and in response to minimal employment opportunities, the youth promptly falls in the silken snare of crimes. Unemployment and lay-offs are terrifically common in Accra thus boosting the crime level. The present state in the capital is that the organized crime knows no boundaries and much of the crime is accentuated by poor socio-economic conditions. The incidence of burglary, which i s an ubiquitous crime, is highly distressing while the heads of the family are outside at the workplaces. The crime of car theft is so common in Accra that the police force has repeatedly issues warnings to the local citizens to have parts of their cars engraved in an order to make their cars more identifiable once stolen, which is highly common in Accra these days. This step has slightly reduced the rate of car theft because â€Å"the most up-to-date figures put car thefts in 2008 at 131 compared with 146 the previous year.† (Wanted in Africa). The demographic and gender makeup of any place is very necessary to scrutinize when discussing crime rate and its patterns. Age, race, gender, and marital status are the most important predictors for explaining crime trends, patterns, and its distribution in the society. According to (Ghana  Police  Headquarters, cited in Appiahene-Gyamfi 20), â€Å"Accra data showed a progressive concentration of crime among young males aged bet ween eighteenand  thirty-six  years.† Most of the criminals caught by the police force are single and appear to have little or no educational knowledge. They also do not have any employment records owing to their minimal education. Age differences are also highly related to the type of criminal activities performed. Car thefts and robbery incidents are more common among the younger age group in Accra and operating burglaries involving residential places of expatriates is more common among the middle age group. A study conducted between 2004 and 2005 by (Adjei et al. 594) reveals that the most

Monday, August 26, 2019

Slavery and Paternalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Slavery and Paternalism - Essay Example The official system was also not a choice for slaves to rely on for aid as they had no official rights. Douglass stated his story when he was a slave. He declares many horrible acts committed by the slaveholders in Talbot County (his birthplace). Douglass declares that in Talbot County slaying or punishing a slave is not considered as unusual or offensive. He further explains the story of a slaveholder who kills two of his slaves and despite of his declaration of the two murders neither anyone put him in jail, nor taken any action against him. Douglass gave some more examples of such horrible deaths of slaves for their minor mistakes. He stated the story of his own cousin who was beaten harshly by a lady with an oak stick just because he fell asleep while watching the lady's child. Such harsh and horrible behavior and dreadful murder of a slave needed to be noticed and forwarded for some solution but this horrifying murder did not seem enough to take action against the lady. One more declaration was that an old slave of Colonel Lloyd was shot just because he encroached mistakenly onto private land. The killer visited Colonel Lloyd to clarify what occurred and the entire issue settled down. Douglass declares quiet repulsively and regretfully that 1"it was worth a half-cent to kill a 'nigger,' and a half-cent to bury one." Chapter 4, pg. 69 Douglass disagrees with the statement that the slaveholders take care of their slaves from their birth till their death and he also refused that slaves have any kind of freedom. As he declares, 2"The whisper that my master was my father, may or may not be true; and, true or false, it is of but little consequence to my purpose whilst the fact remains, in all its glaring odiousness, that slaveholders have ordained, and by law established, that the children of slave women shall in all cases follow the condition of their mothers; and this is done too obviously to administer to their own lusts, and make a gratification of their wicked desires profitable as well as pleasurable; for by this cunning arrangement, the slaveholder, in cases not a few, sustains to his slave the double relation of master and father." Chapter 1, pg. 49 Douglass stated the whole period of his slavery in pain and did not like the rules that were just in favor of the slaveholders. He wanted to escape from this disgraceful and terrible County where the slaves were not even considered as human beings. He hated the behaviors of slaveholders with their slaves. The statement of Douglass further points toward the cruelty and fear of the white men (slaveholders). 3"A single word from the white men was enough-against all our wishes, prayers, and entreaties-to sunder forever the dearest friends, dearest kindred, and strongest ties known to human beings." Chapter 8, pg. 90 To support his argument he gave many examples of murders committed by the masters and their cruelty even as a result of the minor mistakes. Colonel Lloyd had a lot of slaves that he does not recognize them all and they do not all recognize him. It is stated that one day as Colonel Lloyd was on a trip; he meets up a slave and inquires him about his master. As the slave answers that he belongs to Colonel Lloyd, he inquires the slave if his master takes care of him. The slave, unaware of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Marketing Plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marketing Plan - Coursework Example Auto Tech Associates is an automotive business, located in Queens, New York, and distributes various accessories and other material required for vehicles. The company markets oil, oil filters, wiper blades, air filter, wiper fluids, antifreeze and many other kinds of materials that are required by gas stations, mechanics, auto-parts stores etc. For Auto Tech Associates, distributing the auto-fluids and materials is no the mere and core idea behind its marketing, instead it strives to put sincere efforts to create, communicate and deliver reasonable values to its customers. As Kerin et al (2005, p. 8) stressed, for the marketing to be successful, the marketer must give extreme emphasis on creating and communicating the values to the customers. More over, the company considers maintaining customer relationship as the core strategic focus since building customer relationship is at the very heart of modern marketing, as denoted by Armstrong and Kotler (2005, p. 6). No matter how small or the larger is the business, strategic approach in marketing has emerged to be one of the extremely vital components of contemporary marketing. Strategy is perhaps the most significant terms in marketing today. When it comes to Auto Tech Associates, the main strategy is maintaining long-term customer relationship. A better customer relationship is key success factor to achieving competitive advantage and become successful in the marketing as well. ‘To distribute high-value automotive accessories to the customers and create a brand image in their mind for the superior value in the market’ is the main mission that Auto Tech Associates would like to communicate to the targeted customers. In order to achieve this mission and business goal, the company proposes to conduct its business based on few strategies like distributing quality items, valuing customers’ perceptions,

Tangle wood Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tangle wood - Case Study Example The company is a chain of retail stores that stocks various items that include home decor items, electronic appliances, and clothing. The company’s target market consists of the upper class, middle class, and even the budget customers. According to Heneman et al., the company derives its competitive advantage from its outdoor theme and the large camping section in each store, and even the design concepts of each store (34). Since 1975 up to now, the company has witnessed tremendous growth that has enabled it to operate more than 240 stores located across the United States and this growth has equally been represented by an increase in the number of employees as well as the increased profitability of the company. This present case analysis of the Tanglewood Company will analyze the turnover problem that has being experienced in the company. Secondly, it will analyze how this problem might be tackled, the necessary actions that should be taken to solve the problem, and how the av ailable options will be evaluated. Turnover at the Tanglewood stores The human resource department at an organization such as Tangelwood Company is mandated to undertake the task of workforce retention or to ensure that employee turnover is at a minimum level. According to Heneman et al., workforce retention is mainly emphasized in order to reduce cost of continually hiring new workers and to ensure there is continuity in the organization. This is to say that turnover at the Tangleowood stores was a major problem that could possibly affect the quality of service at the stores, since staff had to be hired periodically and even before, they could master their roles well and even get to know the customers, they would leave the company. This high rate of turnover of staffs at the company meant that the store managers had to regularly use financial resources and valuable time to train the new staffs (43-45). Sims was of the view that an organization, which has a high turnover of employee s, is not financially sound or the management and in particular, the human resource management is poor and lacks proficiency. Therefore, a strategic human resource management at the Tanglewood Company would implement appropriate strategies to ensure that employees are comfortable in the work place and every aspect of the stores favors them, which will make them feel encouraged to continue working for the organization (121-125). Solving the turnover problem at Tanglewood Company It has been noted above that there needs to be implementation of appropriate strategies that will ensure staffs are encouraged to work at the Tanglewood stores for a longer duration. With reference to the writings by Sims, it is noted that one of the ways through which to lower employee turnover is by ensuring that the staffs have an opportunity to grow within the company and this is achieved by reserving promotion spots for the company’s current workforce (93). This strategy will encourage the current workforce to stay in the company as they await their chance to be promoted to the next level where the salary and benefits would increase. Heneman et al. supported this strategy by stating that in most cases employees leave a company because of limited opportunities for growth and so they look for other companies that will enable them to grow in terms of their career and even enjoy better remuneration (56-58). The other related strategy is offering training programs to the staffs, which sharpen their skills as well as improve their competency level. Through human resource development, employees become more devoted to the company and they have a feeling that they owe the company, because of the training that it has been offered to them. The other strategic option for solving the turnove

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Impact of international field experience on agricultural Education Article - 1

Impact of international field experience on agricultural Education - Article Example It is sometimes a manifestation of the human natural instinct to save one’s own race that leads to discrimination against international students in America. The international students coming to America are not disadvantageous to the country but rather they contribute to the economy, society and culture in many ways. So it is the prime duty of the country to protect the international students from bias, prejudice and discrimination. As Poyrazli, Thukral and Duru (2010) maintain â€Å"The international students face considerable difficulty in making new adjustments initially due to lack of social support, communication problems, and homesickness†. First and foremost, every educational institution in America should be bound legally to be answerable to the government regarding the mishandling of the international students. Secondly, as a protective measure, the government should give a chance to the international students to report to the institute regarding their experience in their new