Friday, November 29, 2019

Literature is not innocent Essay Example

Literature is not innocent Essay Literature is not innocent. It is guilty and should admit itself so. What does Bataille mean by this, and is he justified? When Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights1 was published, it was deemed by many to be a story of sinister and evil content, and this view was especially centred on the character Heathcliff. Many readers, in general terms, would see the novel as guilty as opposed to innocent (it must be remembered here that Bataille uses the words guilty and innocent not with their everyday meanings, but with meanings that he constructs for the purpose of his argument), and this is perhaps why Georges Bataille chose to include it in his study, Literature and Evil2, and also why the title quote is so relevant to the book. But what does Bataille actually mean in this quote? What is his definition of innocent and guilty? Also, how does this relate to Wuthering Heights (the text we shall concentrate on here) and is Bataille justified in the conclusions he makes? It is important then to firstly attain a good idea of the meaning of Batailles terms, as a starting point for this essay. We will write a custom essay sample on Literature is not innocent specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Literature is not innocent specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Literature is not innocent specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer When we think of the word innocent, the word good also comes to mind. Innocence is the state of having done nothing wrong, and so something that commits no wrongs must then be good, and therefore free from guilt. Bataille gives this utilitarian based view of Good; it is based on a common interest which entails consideration of the future3. So something that is not based on a common interest, and does not consider the future and consequences of itself cannot be classed as Good, or innocent, and so must be bad, and therefore can be said to be Evil. Something that is Good has limits, or restraints on it, to ensure it adheres to the rules of what Good is. So it must follow that Evil, in opposition to Good, lacks these restraints, and does not consider the future it merely exists in the moment it presents. This is why it is so relevant to literature when we read literature we are just existing in the moment of the novel it takes no consideration of anything but that moment that it presents. It allows us to explore this world, with no consequences. We are able to suspend our disbelief, and enter the mystical state4 of the novel that we can experience in this solitude. Also, if the content reveals a narrative where there are also no restraints, then this state is intensified. This is where Bataille makes a link with eroticism. In the sexual act, one concentrates simply on the moment, in a manner unique to our species, and nothing else at that point matters. We do not think of external constraints when experiencing sex or literature; both create a world in our minds opposite to that which we live in no constraints or consequences exist there. Bataille sees Evil and love to be closely related with each other. He states death seems to be the truth of love, just as love is the truth of death5. It seems he believes that inside love there has to be a recognition of death, because if you love another life, you are aware it will end, as all human experiences do, and so you recognise that your love is finite it is not unlimited. So love is therefore Good, as it at least has this limit imposed upon it. But perhaps its bad side can be said to be in its physical manifestation eroticism where the persons involved are living in that moment that it creates, and they are free of any limits; it is not done for any future benefit, but just for its own sake. So this could be said to be an evil part of love; but as we will see later, there has to be Evil for good to exist, so this paradox is inevitable. As we know, the love of Catherine and Heathcliff is the focus of Wuthering Heights, so there is much to be explored here the issue of the love presented in the novel, the status of the characters involved, and how this all relates to Batailles opinion on the guilt of literature in general. The character Heathcliff lives life by his own rules, and he sees no limits on himself or his actions he simply does what he wants simply because he can. Is he, then, Evil? It would seem so, as he does not comply with the rationality of the world we live in. Bataille even goes so far as to call him a sadist he hurts others because he knows he can, and he seems to take pleasure in this fact, or, at least, he is indifferent to the other characters plights. He has no concern for any excepting of course the object of his love. Bataille believes we need to comply with reasonable adult conventions6 in order for society to survive, but Heathcliff doesnt want to participate in this order of things. He wants to keep his infantile freedom7, where the laws of society and conventional politeness do not affect Catherine and himself. Bataille believes this is his main reason for acting as he does, because he has been banished from the kingdom of childhood, but wants to return to it, so will sto p at nothing to regain it8, and the freedom he had in it. But isnt Bataille contradicting himself somewhat here? He is saying now that Heathcliff does what he does as a means to an end, rather than just doing it out of pure sadism, so perhaps his deeds are not purely Evil? However, despite this possibility of contradictions, Heathcliff must still be deemed as Evil, because for whatever reason he commits the sins against others, he is doing it because he can, and he disregards the consequences for his victims, which is in itself intrinsically Evil. So in the eyes of the world, Heathcliff represents Evil, and all it stands for. But, as Bataille himself says, Heathcliff believes he represents Good and reason9. Heathcliff is questioning society and its limits, and this is where the theme of transgression becomes important. Heathcliff is trying to transgress through society and its laws, and so he represents opposition to social restrictions. Bataille describes this transgression as a tragic violation of the law, which leads the novel to have a certain affinity with Greek tragedy atonement is connected with transgression. Bataille says that it is not the laws that Heathcliff is trying to transgress that are denounced, but the domain that these laws deny, the forbidden domain. Humanity banishes this domain to us, but Bataille says this only serves to magnify it, and so in essence make us want it more the ban beautifies that to which it prevents access10. In trying to reach this domain, the perpetrators suffer; Catherine dies due to her infidelity to the spirit, and Heathcliff has to endure the agony of life without her. Therefore, in the unlimited world of literature, it can be said that we are given lessons on what happens to those who try and transgress the laws of our society. Over time, as Bataille points out, reason has replaced the primitive taboos, and we have learnt that certain things should be avoided if we do not want to suffer. This can occur easily through literature, as no real beings suffer, but we can recognise what it would be like if there were no rules or limits to live by, or if we refused to live by those limits. Literature can reveal a process of breaking these laws without trying to create another order, simply because it can do this. It only needs to be what it is; it does not need to create anything else. Perhaps literature provides the lesson we need to avoid trying to go beyond rationality in our lives? So, if literature does perform this task, then can it still be called guilty? Would not this make it more of a constraint on society rather than something that could be cal led a bad influence? So perhaps the instant of escape that literature provides can be seen as similar to the eternal escape that death provides? The two can be similarly described both are unlimited in certain senses. In literature, we lose ourselves in something other than ourselves, and this is also true of death, and as Bataille says, what this other thing11 is is not important it is still something that transcends the common limitations we are all subject to. Both provide an escape of some kind, even if one is of more of a permanent nature. Through literature, we are exploring the world of the moment that it presents, and by death we are exploring whatever (if there is anything at all) lies beyond this life. Bataille believes that, in writing Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte had fathomed the very depths of Evil12. From his study, it seems that perhaps you have to be Evil yourself to write literature at all, because you have to be unlimited free of restraints and as we know, to lack these constraints is seen as Evil. Jacques Blondel13 believes Bronte emancipated herself from all prejudice of an ethical or social order, and he believes this liberation is necessary to every artist. He also says this can be felt most intensely by those in whom ethical values are most deeply rooted14, as they have a thorough knowledge of Good, so can easily present the opposite. Due to these values, Bronte is able to resolve the problems in her novel this manly being the purity of love being regained in its intimate truth, which as Bataille said, is that of death. It seems true to say that only by knowing Good can you know Evil to know the opposite of something is essential in defining it, for example, the states of hot and cold. Also, we could say that Brontes own views may have been reflected in Catherine; someone who is capable of total love (we know this when she says, I am Heathcliff15) but also recognises the need to live by the restraints of life, even though in her case it seems to do her little good in the end (admittedly, had she not followed the constraints bound upon her in her patriarchal society, then her and Heathcliff may have married and ended up as beggars, but Heathcliff would probably have preferred this anyway, so this can be seen in two ways). Bataille also says that Bronte identified herself with Catherine, and both were absolutely moral 16 this is in fact what causes Catherines demise, as she cannot detach herself from loving the man she did as a child. Also, she was unable to love without limits, as Heathcliff did, and so she died paradoxically she achieved a love without limits through death which she could not achieve in life. But to extend the paradox further, she now has this lo ve that she needed in life, but has no use for it now in death. Bataille says that Evil therefore, if we examine it closely, is not only the dream of the wicked; it is to some extent the dream of the Good17. If we accept this, and accept Batailles use of the term Evil, then can literature be as guilty as we first thought? We have seen that it is indeed guilty in a number of ways it is outside our social constraints, and can do whatever it pleases, so much so that we can perhaps even call it dangerous, and Bataille even believes it can be compared to the severity of the infringement of moral laws18. As with the sexual act, literature allows us to turn inwardly to ourselves, and to forget the rules we normally live by when not in this mystical state. It is an extension of the passion that we experience through eroticism an extension of the moment of disregard for the future and its consequences. However, perhaps this Evil is necessary to us? Bataille says this Evil may help us recognise that a sovereign part of ourselves is free from the limitations and necessities which we acknowledge in everyday life, and perhaps this sovereign part takes over when we die? This could explain our inner attraction towards death, as the release from these constraints of mortal life. So, as Bataille says Evil is always the object of an ambiguous condemnation19. It is bad to have no concern for the future or rationality, so when literature causes this in us, then it must be found guilty. So it seems Bataille is justified in pointing to the guilt of literature, as it culpable of the charges he brings to it, but the important question is whether or not this causes literature itself to be Evil? I do not think it can, because as we have seen, it may do more good than harm to society, because we can learn from it the consequences of refraining from following rationality and order in life. Bataille is, then, justified in saying literature is guilty, because he proves his case, but it cannot be said that it is guilty of anything bad, so the conclusion we must draw here seems to be that literature is guilty of something but something other than being evil.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Dear Friends and Family Essays - Emotions, Virtue, Compassion

Dear Friends and Family Essays - Emotions, Virtue, Compassion Dear Friends and Family Dear Friends and Family: How are you doing? I hope that God is doing as many wonderful things in you life as He is in mine. I am having a wonderful year at Central High School, and feeling God's will to do more for the world around me. I want to share with you a challenging ministry opportunity that God has presented to me. From June 10 through June 20 God has offered me the chance to go to Indonesia with a youth group from First Calvary Church. This 10-day missions trip will be reaching out and spreading gospel to the Indonesian people while also learning more about the people there and their culture. While God has opened up a door for me to develop a greater heart of compassion for His people around the world, the exciting part is that you will be able to share in this compassion in several ways. First, you can help pray for me and my fellow students. We will need prayers that God will prepare us for our visit and bless our efforts as we minister to the people of Indonesia. We will also need prayers that our financial needs will be met. At this time we need to raise $3,000 each to attend this trip, and that is quite a challenge! Another way you can be involved is to help provide that financial support. Would you consider supporting me with a small donation? I have included a postage-paid envelope for you to use if you feel led to contribute. I will need to raise all my funds by May 1 in order to pay for airline tickets and other items. Please make checks payable to First Calvary Church. Whether you feel led to contribute financially, through prayer, or both, all of your support is appreciated. I look forward to doing God's work in Indonesia and letting you know all about how God has worked through this team when I return in June.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Labor Unions and Their Impact on the Economy Essay - 1

Labor Unions and Their Impact on the Economy - Essay Example As the report declares the state employees are not happy with the proposal of the governor that they would have to make a contribution of 5.8 % of their salary towards schemes of pension along with the payment of 12.6 % of their insurance premiums for health. In this report of the research paper, various arguments in support of the union’s protest will be presented.This paper highlights that on  February 15, 2011, the public employees, community supporters and union activists in a number of more than 15,000 jammed at the Capitol Square in Madison for protesting the governor’s plan to band the rights of the workers and demolish jobs of middle class community of the society. The governor denied making any changes in his plans and has mentioned that if the bill is not passed by the state legislature, he would compel massive layoffs along with hampering of state services and thus would cost several jobs.  The move of the governor has been demonstrated as a way of politi cal business that is interested in taking the rights away from the people. The appeal of a few protestors is such that they are in complete support to the governor’s activities for balancing the budget but not at the sake of the worker’s rights, as evident from the views of a retired Communications Workers of America member.  The protestors mentioned that the governor was imparting the bad effects of a budget bill by setting up such a policy that would take away the general rights of the people.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Impacts of the Housing Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Impacts of the Housing Crisis - Essay Example The real property market has experienced a melodramatic turmoil with prices abating in some markets as much as twenty-five to thirty percent. Likewise, with interest yields in the credit markets abating intensely, and stock markets having moderate returns at best, investors are very much engrossed to double-digit yields that tax lien investments may provide. The basics of the tax-lien market, the update the environment for individual investors as well hedge funds were affected. There was also a decreasing effect in the property values. According to the  Securities and Exchange Commission  (SEC), the self-regulation of investment banks contributed to this crisis (Randel 5). Another group affected is the traditional house lending companies. This people usually lend out houses to individuals who require the houses for a little time, for example less than one year. The high cost of housing means that this kind of people experienced decreasing demand for their houses thus poor perform ance in business (UN-Habitat 2). The housing crisis affected the government in that it pressurized the government to change the some housing policies. One of them was the community reinvestment act. The president carter had originally enacted this policy in 1977. The act had been set in a place to encourage the banks to halt the practice of lending discrimination. This policy affected every individual since it discriminated some people interested in housing who could not afford housing at that time (Alexander and Malpass 5). Lastly, the housing crisis had a direct bearing on other household insiders such as pets, which live in these houses with their owners. The owners who could not afford to live in large houses shifted to small houses where they... The basics of the tax-lien market, the update the environment for individual investors as well hedge funds were affected. There was also a decreasing effect on the property values. According to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the self-regulation of investment banks contributed to this crisis.Another group affected is the traditional house lending companies. These people usually lend out houses to individuals who require the houses for a little time, for example, less than one year. The high cost of housing means that this kind of people experienced decreasing demand for their houses thus poor performance in business. The housing crisis affected the government in that it pressurized the government to change some housing policies. One of them was the community reinvestment act. President Carter had originally enacted this policy in 1977. The act had been set in a place to encourage the banks to halt the practice of lending discrimination. This policy affected every indivi dual since it discriminated some people interested in housing who could not afford to house at that time. Lastly, the housing crisis had a direct bearing on other household insiders such as pets, which live in these houses with their owners. The owners who could not afford to live in large houses shifted to small houses where they were congested. This means that they had to squeeze themselves to fit in the houses. However, this increased the risk associated with living too close to animals in the house.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Positions of Individual versus Society in Terms of Cognitive Essay

Positions of Individual versus Society in Terms of Cognitive Development - Essay Example This concept leads to several questions. Piaget saw the child as a solitary learner and discoverer, and on the contrary, Vygotsky emphasized on the social and cultural nature of the development. According to Vygotsky, a child's psychological development happens within social interactions, not through the unfolding of the innate structures. Development is a phenomenon that cannot be separated from its social and cultural contexts. Therefore as per his theory, individual is a part of the sociocultural matrix, where social interactions play important and fundamental roles in the development of cognition. It can said that not only the genetics and the environment, cognitive development is a manifestation of the influence of a mix of social forces surrounding the individual. The environment and individual change continuously, rather not in a staged fashion as prescribed by Piaget, and with these qualitative changes, the individuals produce new developmental accomplishments and mark new developmental milestones. If one compares these two paradigms, it will be evident that Piaget believed that the child him or herself is the most important source of cognitive development. ... Piaget relied upon the clinical method where he used probing questions to discover what the children understood, and Vygotsky on the contrary was concerned with the historical and social aspects of the human behavior that is unique for human nature. By his theory of genetic epistemology, Piaget studied the mechanism of acquirement of knowledge and was interested in errors that children make and suggested that these were nonrandom. He was on the look for a systematic pattern in the production of these errors and worked towards providing a logical and internally consistent explanation of these errors. In Piaget's view, development is a natural process with extension of the child's ideas from the child to the world with an invariant sequence of mental development in stages. On the contrary, as has been mentioned earlier, Vygotsky was concerned with the historical and social aspects of unique human natures. His theory suggested that social and cultural factors contribute to the developme nt of intellect, and speech is a tool of thought, and in that sense, development of speech carries culture in that it stores the ancestry of experience in the social context. Human being, in that sense, is unique because they use these tools to create artefacts to change life conditions. Thus, according to Vygotsky theory, ideas originate as a dialectical process of social, cultural, and historical factors in an unending and orderly pattern. Piaget believed that intelligence arises in a progressive fashion in a child's repetitive activities, and the child developmentally acquires concepts of space, time, causes, and physical objects and begins to have fantasy and symbolism right in the infancy. These can be interpreted by

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Business plan and marketing strategy for Nike

Business plan and marketing strategy for Nike The real value of creating a business plan is not in having the finished product in hand; rather, the value lies in the process of researching and thinking about your business in a systematic way. The act of planning helps you to think things through thoroughly, study and research if you are not sure of the facts, and look at your ideas critically. It takes time now, but avoids costly, perhaps disastrous, mistakes later. Exective summary Nikes is a world largest company that sell all kind of products in almost every country. Explain the fundamentals of the business: What is your product, who are your customers, who are the owners, and what do you think the future holds for your business and your industry? Make it enthusiastic, professional, complete, and concise. If you are applying for a loan, state clearly how much you want, precisely how you are going to use it, and how the money will make your business more profitable, thereby ensuring repayment Company history In 1962 nike was founded by bill bowerman and as blue ribbon 1985 the highly turned point of nike was when the world greatest player come into company.first they introduce their product like shoes shirts bags jeckets and with the passage of time they introduce almost every thing which man required.after that nike teamed up and more famous athlete like bo Jackson Andre Agassi, Charles Barkley and many more product. Planning Selecting mission and objectives as well as the action to achieves them which requires decision making.for example nike planning are mission or purposes 2objective 3strategy 4policies 5procedures 6 rules 7programs. Nike MISSION nikes mission is to alleviate poverty by providing quality and cost effective microfinance services to low income households, especially women, in order to enhance their economic role and decision-making capacity. We empower poor women and their families to become economically self reliant by providing financial services in a sustainable manner. We promote economic self-actualization by providing the poor with continuous economic opportunities so they can realize their potential and overcome barriers of poverty. At nike we believe access to financial services is the basic right of each and every individual. nike places the client at the center of all financial services that it offers and designs products and services in the light of the clients demands. We believe clients from low-income communities require innovative financial solutions to meet the many contingencies and crises they face as a result of vulnerable cashflows. With a constantly growing outreach of clients and a diverse product range, nike adheres to delighting its clients with client focused products that grow with their evolving needs. Our future goals are to: 1. Improve access and scale of microfinance services by demonstrating that women in Pakistan are credible and are active economic agents by reaching out to 750,000 female clients by 2010 2. Continue to innovate by creating client-driven products and services for low income households, including home improvement loans and a health insurance product Strengthen customer care processes by empowering field staff to listen to client feedback on a continuous basis 3. Sustain nikes financially viable business model of providing financial services to the poor and mainstream it with other financial institutions to ensure scalability Objectives or goals The ends toward which activity is aimed. In this part we know that nikes abjective is to achieve something in a specific or selected time just say for example nike planning is to sold women wear in 3 month so the employees of nike must have to sell these product within the time. Product and services Nikes product and services are too much and very cheaper because the make a strategy that the sell their product to all customer and get satisfication. For example in shoes product we see that all kind of shoes in nike company are very comfortable and very almost sell their product in all over the world.for example in Pakistan every body in Pakistan like nike product and they almost use these products.but when we talk about nikes fitness In Pakistan mostly people are unaware about this because when women use nikes fitness items it is totally against islam and we know that Pakistan is a conservative country and people that already lived in Pakistan would,n like this.but on the other side we look that if we sell our product like shoes garments bags we see that these product we can easily sell. Nikes technology When we talk about nike technology we see that this is a multinational company and they almost use good raw and other material for their products.because when the use good material is initial they can get more profit because customer like their product. Market analysis summary Nike is the most successful producers of sports feetwear with rebook aswell as with the manufactures of causal footwear. However now company faces a number of challenges that they does not exist few years in market thay face a number of company that sell all these product that nike already sell It and these are less cheaper if we compare to all nikes product so now nike are going to change their strategy to face this challenges. Market Needs Now nike change their strategy now the see all the environment that now what market needs in these days for example in summer days they introduce their new product in rainy days they introduce their waterproof jackets. Market Trends Nikes need to use the new strategy just says fo example what is trend now a days in Pakistan we see that their we sell the product that match with the socity and we cant use other products because Pakistan is a conservative country. Main Competitors In Pakistan we see that there are a number of companies that sell all the products that nike also sell. But nike face a number of chelenges because other company sell all these products with the same rate that nike nike should have to change their strategy.they should have to introduce less cheaper product that anybody can purchase easily. Marketing Plan Market research: Why? You spend so much time on marketing-related matters customers, competitors, pricing, promotion, and advertising that it is natural to assume that you have little to learn. However, every small business can benefit from doing market research to make sure it is on track. Use the business planning process as your opportunity to uncover data and to question your marketing efforts. It will be time well spent. Customers Identify your customers, their characteristics, and their geographic locations; that is, demographics. The description will be completely different depending on whether you sell to other businesses or directly to consumers. If you sell a consumer product, but sell it through a channel of distributors, wholesalers, and retailers, you must carefully analyze both the end user and the intermediary businesses to which you sell. You may have more than one customer group. Identify the most important groups. Then, for each consumer group, construct a demographic profile: Age Gender Location Income level Social class/occupation Education Other For business customers, the demographic factors might be: Industry (or portion of an industry) Location Size of firm Quality/technology/price preferences Marketing Strategy The first one is that you really dont need a fancy logo or catch phrase to get your fitness marketing plan to work well for you. The simple truth is that nobody really cares what your logo looks like, nor do they stop and consider using your services simply because you have a nice-looking logo or a really great catch phrase. They stop because youre showing them real, tangible results. Youre in the fitness industry, and thats what people want. They only care about results. Can you actually prove and show them results? How about a before/after photo of a previous client? Make sure theyre ok with you using their photo and/or name!. Location The city of lahore, which is popular as heart of Pakistan , is an important tourist centre in Pakistan . The city houses one of the seven wonders of world and is an established commercial centre. Besides other institutions the place has a good number of basic health facilities that provide services to the residents and tourists. Many healthcare centres operate in the city. The infrastructure include several government hospitals, private nursing homes, allopathic hospitals and dispensaries and primary health care centres. Including the medical college there are seven government hospitals. Some 15 nursing homes provide the services and facilities in the city. Primary Health Care Centers are primarily meant for rural areas and all the 56 centers are located in the rural areas. Out of a total of 45 allopathic centres 39 are in the suburbs. One special fact, as revealed by a study conducted in Lahore , there are many Ayurvedic practitioners in Agra whose average age is about 70 years. The prime hospitals and nursing homes in Lahore include District Hospital, sheikh zaid Hospital ,Cantonment Hospital, Centre Jalma Institute of Leprosy Tajganj, T.B. Hospital Near, Mental Hospital Billochpura, Ashoka Hospital , Amit Jaggi Memorial Hospital , Medical Institute, Sri Ram Hospital. Distribution channel The fitness equipment industry in Pakistan is witnessing significant growth as pakistanis increasingly become health and fitness conscious. The market is estimated to be worth INR 12.5 bn in 2008 and is expected to reach INR 63.3 bn by 2012. The end-user segments include individuals using fitness equipments at home and institutions like health clubs, corporate houses. The report provides a brief overview of the fitness equipment industry including market size, growth, types of equipments and key segments. An analysis of drivers explain growth factors such as increasing health and fitness consciousness amongst pakistan growing demand from corporate houses, entry of foreign fitness chains/clubs, reduction in prices and import duties and real estate boom. The key challenges identified include lack of RD facilities in the country, lack of consumer confidence in Indian equipments, lack of good fitness trainers and lack of space in residential complexes. The key trends identified include health chains entering equipment retailing market, introduction of innovative products and emergence of new distribution channels Operational Plan One of the biggest mistakes that people tend to make is to start a fitness program without planning how it will realistically fit into their everyday lives. As a personal trainer in a club with thousands of members, I have seen many new and eager faces begin programs, ready to commit to 7 days a week the minute they buy their membership. I feel very happy that they are taking such a big step forward but at the same time I cant help but wonder who will manage to make this significant lifestyle change and actually be there in six months. The statistics are not in favor of these new members. Only about 20 percent will actually be able maintain this commitment. . Production How and where do you produce your products or services? Explain your methods of: Production techniques and costs Quality control Customer service Inventory control Product development Legal Environment Describe the following: Licensing and bonding requirements Permits Health, workplace, or environmental regulations Special regulations covering your industry or profession Zoning or building code requirements Insurance coverage Trademarks, copyrights, or patents (pending, existing, or purchased) Personnel Number of employees Type of labor (skilled, unskilled, professional) Where do you find new employees? Quality of existing staff Pay structure Training methods and requirements New hiring in the coming year? Who does which tasks? Are schedules and procedures in place? Financial Plan The financial plan consists of a 12-month profit and loss projection, a four-year profit and loss projection (optional), a cash-flow projection, a projected balance sheet, and a breakeven calculation. Together, these spreadsheets constitute a reasonable estimate of your companys financial future. More important, however, the process of thinking through the financial plan will improve your insight into the inner financial workings of your company. GENRAL LOAN The GL focuses on building and sustaining economic opportunities of poor households and thus achieving nikes over-arching goal of alleviating poverty. The GL is based on group collateral where a group of 25 women jointly insure each other against default. In light of nikes strong commitment to customer care, center members have to wait only 7 days after their registration to get the first loan, while repeat clients can obtain a loan within 24 hours. The loans are advanced to female members of the household and it is the mutual decision of the household to decide on the economic activity that they will invest in. BUISNESS LOAN Clients requiring loans below Rs 500,000 cannot obtain access to formal financial sources, since such amounts are still too small for commercial banks. A quick estimate can show that the potential market for small enterprises is about 6 million with a negligible outreach to such entrepreneurs by the banking and the microfinance sector as a whole. ABC targets fast moving small entrepreneurs through the BSL, the entire methodology of which is based on a credit scoring model. The BSL is advanced to clients with a minimum of 2 years running experience of their businesses and has no collateral requirements. Generally the loan has a minimum processing time of less than 5 days. Strengths and weaknesses are initial and Kotler (1988) says these must cover the four areas of marketing, financial, manufacturing and organizational. Opportunities and threats look at the main environmental issues such as the economic situation, social changes such as the population getting older and technological developments including the internet. A SWOT analysis example for a cosmetics manufacturer might include: Strengths Strong and have a good market experience High brand recognition Better customer dealing Weaknesses Prices perceived to be too high Costs spiralling out of control due to increases from raw material suppliers Inconsistent brand identity Opportunities Growth of the internet leading to an increase in the number of consumers willing to buy online New emerging teen market Threats New affordable luxury entrants to the market threatening to take share from premium brands Major competitor planning to integrate vertically and sell direct to the consumer Rise in popularity of nail spas leading to decline in demand for nail products Management and Organization A project must be included in the general objectives of the business, because it generally mobilizes personnel for a long period of time. This is why it is necessary for an organization to determine its intentions in the medium term (one to three years) before even starting projects. Thus, the management organizational chart serves to provide prospective strategic orientation in order to provide a rough idea of the interrelation of the principal objectives over time. Thus, it makes it possible to define priorities in terms of achievement of objectives and to provide visibility to the organizations ambitions. The management organizational chart, in the case of large structures, may be useful in the form of a Strategic Organizational Chart (sometimes General Organizational Chart), combining several different management organizational charts. The management organizational chart is created by a Management Committee (or Strategic Committee), combining the repesentatives of the organizationss general management. The Management Committee therefore represents the general management of the company for all projects. However, the inclusion of a project in the management organizational chart does not guarantee that the related work will be done. In fact, the term project includes intention, which implies feasibility, which is one of the intermediate stages between the creation of the management organizational chart and the start of the project

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Never To Forget Essay -- essays research papers

Never To Forget-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The meaning of the title â€Å"Never To Forget† is very significant to the story of the Holocaust. The title simply means to forget what we know would not be human. It is very important that we never forget the Five Million Jews that lost their homes, property, freedom, dignity, and finally, their lives. We must always remember what happened to the Jews. Every time someone thinks of saying or doing something to a fellow human being we must remember the Holocaust. We must never forget to insure this will never happen again.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The book â€Å"Never To Forget† is Milton Meltzer’s true story of the Holocaust. It tells the story of when over Five Million Jewish peoples were massacred. The book has no characters. It only tells the straightforward account of the Jewish Holocaust. Meltzer writes the story of the Holocaust from an interesting viewpoint. Because he is a young 15 year old American Jew, watching the events of the war from afar, he brings a passion to the delivery of the historical information that makes it more engaging and powerful. The organization of the book into units according to chronology makes it easy to read as a whole, or a reader can use it to research a particular aspect of the Holocaust.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first unit is entitled â€Å"History of Hatred.† It describes the horrible conditions Jews had to endure prior to Hitler’s Holocaust. Meltzer explains how Jews were enslaved by ...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Coca Cola Research Essay

3.3 Collect and review data using appropriate methods, including primary and secondary research techniques The researcher used the questionnaire method as his primary research technique. The survey questionnaire was adapted from a previous research done by an Advertising agency regarding effectiveness of advertising. This survey was then distributed online to a sample population within Metro Manila. And the secondary research technique that was used was from the study of Mr. Honorata Ocampo Lee which is about Comparison of the effectiveness of the physical distribution processess and strategies of Coca Cola bottlers Philippines Inc. and Pepsi Cola products Philippines Inc. in selected districts in Manila for the year 2001-2003. 3.4 Analyze and interpret appropriate qualitative and quantitative data Quantitative research uses a scientific approach; the researcher’s hypothesis which stated in his study will need to have an attempt in proving and disproving that hypothesis. The data that will be generated can be analyzed mathematically. (Primary and Secondary research) The researcher used questionnaire to Qualitative research is concerned with the opinions and feelings; the data that will be collected is not necessarily set of numbers. It looks at the overall image rather than the separate components. (Primary and Secondary research) 4.1 Record findings in an accepted format and 4.2 Present and summarize the findings using suitable methods 1. Please open the link to view the ad material. Have you seen this advertisement before? Among the 50 respondents, 40 percent (20 respondents) said yes and 60 percent (30 respondents) said they haven’t seen the adver tisement yet. 2. How would you rate the overall quality of this advertisement? 40 percent of the respondents thought that the advertisement was good. 32% answered fair, 16% answered very good, and 12% answered excellent. None of the respondents answered poor. The data suggests that majority of the respondents thought of the advertisement as good enough or slightly above average. 3. How would you rate this advertisement compared with the others you’ve seen with familiar products/services? Majority (64%) of the respondents answered that the Coca-Cola advertisement was just â€Å"about the same† as other products’ advertisements. Meanwhile 20% answered that their ads were â€Å"A Little Better than the Others† and 8% thought that it was much better than the others. On the other hand 8% answered that the advertisement was a little worse than others. This data shows that, like the previous analysis, the Coca-Cola â€Å"Open Happiness† advertising comes across to the majority of the viewers as just average or slightly above average. 4. Are You Currently Using This Product A majority of the respondents (86%) said to be currently drinking Coca-Cola meanwhile 14% claimed that they are not currently using Coca-Cola. 5. After seeing this advertisement, would you want to buy this product? A majority (95%) of the respondents were still determined to buy the product after seeing the advertisement and 5% said that they would not want to buy the product. Up by 9% from the people who claimed to not have been using Coca-Cola at the moment, the data shows that the advertising has given an impact only to a small amount of respondents to buy Coca-Cola. However, the data also shows that regular consumers are still willing to purchase Coca-Cola even though the advertisement did not come out that strong, as shown from the results in the second question. 6. Have you ever used this product? The chart below shows that 100% or all of the respondents claim to have used or bought Coca Cola at one point in their lives. 7. Age Among the 50 respondents, 30 (40%) were within the ages 18-25, 8 (16%) were 26-30, 12 (24%) were 31-35, 5 (10%) were 36-40, 3(6%) were 41-45, and 2 (3%) were 46-50. 8. Gender The chart below shows that majority (68%) of the respondents are male and 31% are female. 4.3 Evaluate the methodology used and critically analyze the findings The researcher used the Questionnaire method. This method was chosen because using a questionnaire with a random sample is a good way to find out the attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors of a large group of people. The questionnaire that was used contained Close-Ended Questions. A set of choices was given to the respondents for them to be able to answer the questions. Aside from that, the researcher also chose to use Likert-Scales as this would be the basis to determine the level of effectiveness of the advertisements. Likert-scales consist of questions that would be answered by ranking them (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree) The method used would have been more effective if partnered with a select interview coming from each type of age group. The questionnaire method was proven effective in getting the opinions of the majority of the population. On the other hand, the interview method could have gotten more in-depth insights or feedback from the consumers regarding their opinion on Coca-Cola’s advertising and how it affects them as a consumer. 4.4 Propose recommendations based on the findings which identify and justify areas for future research Through the years, Coca-Cola had always come out strong in their advertising materials. Good examples of it would be Coke’s â€Å"It’s the Real Thing† and â€Å"I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke† during the 70’s and 80’s. These advertisements have helped propel Coca-Cola into it’s status now as the number one beverage company in the world. However for this decade, Coca-Cola’s â€Å"Open Happiness† Campaign didn’t come out as strong as their previous advertisements. They haven’t been as visible to the public eye as before. As shown in the first question, a majority of the respondents haven’t even seen the advertising material of â€Å"open happiness† before. This research has also helped prove that the advertising campaign of Coca-Cola now was rated just above average by the consumers. However, since Coca-Cola has managed to build up loyal consumers through the years, the statistics show that even though the advertising material may come out confusing or â€Å"just okay†, consumers will still continue to patronize Coca-Cola no matter what advertising material they produce. In spite of this, Coca-Cola should not be complacent with their current loyal customers. They should still invest in advertising campaigns that would appeal to their market. They should focus more on the younger generations as they are the group that is still trying to discover new products. Coca-Cola should be able to capture their loyalty for them to be able to sustain their position as the number one beverage in the world. References Questionnaires. (n.d.). Retrieved 2012 Ð ¹Ã ¸Ã » 30-March from Lets Evaluation Resources: Data Collection Methods. (n.d.). Retrieved 2012 Ð ¹Ã ¸Ã » 30-March from Fao Corporate Document Repository: Primary and Secondary research. (n.d.). Retrieved 2012 Ð ¹Ã ¸Ã » 2-April from Design and Technology:

Friday, November 8, 2019

A Critique of Neuroscience-The New Philosophy Essay Example

A Critique of Neuroscience A Critique of Neuroscience-The New Philosophy Essay A Critique of Neuroscience-The New Philosophy Essay Name: Instructor: Course: Date: A Critique of Neuroscience-The New Philosophy The discourse, Neuroscience-The New Philosophy, by V.S Ramachandran, illustrates Ramachandran’s viewpoints on neuroscience. In the discussion, Ramachandran delves on discovering reasons as to why particular patients have specific kinds of symptoms when faced with mental illnesses and the reason for their differences across diverse mental illnesses. In addition, Ramachandran explains how indispensable formations and structures within the brain can lead to peculiar behaviors in mental infirmity. The discourse mainly focuses on three approaches based on mental illnesses. These approaches include the effect of chemical imbalances, the Darwinian or Neuropsychiatry approach and the Freudian approach. The discourse offers a different viewpoint on mental illness. It also provides a deep insight and provides explanations on mental infirmity. Thus, assessing the article provides the basis for critiquing Ramachandran’s discussion on mental illness. Much of Ramachandran’s discourse is centered on the disposition of consciousness. He does this by assessing a number of mental states and anomalies that are abnormal and some that are deemed as similar to madness. Additionally, assessment of the different mental infirmities provides foundation in recognizing the brain imaging. Through imaging, knowledge is gained on how the brain functions. To illustrate this, Ramachandran uses a disorder such as hysteria. Based on medical connotations, hysteria illustrates a condition where the patient, in the event of developing a paralysis of a leg or an arm or blindness, possesses null neurological deficits that could be reason for his symptoms. Through this disorder, imaging is used to determine the normal function of the brain by recognizing that the brain is actually ordinary. Additionally, imaging has provided knowledge on the sections of the brain that are active or inactive when a specific action or mental process is carried out. Secondly, Ramachandran focuses on the aspect of free will. By using hysteria as an example, the disorder is viewed as an abnormality of free will thus confirming that hysteria is purely due to psychological defects. In the discourse, free will is deemed as a delusion and an irrelevant explanation on the functions of the brain. Based on experiments conducted on free will such as the EEG experiment, it was discovered that the brain sends signals earlier before a person expresses the will to engage in the specific process. Such a discovery only discredits the philosophical principle of free will. Equally, free will illustrates the ability of agents to make decisions unrestricted by definite factors such as mental constraints. However, the fact that consciousness does not determine other actions performed by an agent only exemplifies free will as an illusion. Finally, Ramachandran discusses the Sense of Self. Based on Ramachandran’s assertions, mental illnesses can be seen as disturbances or impairments of the self and consciousness. However, using the insinuations, ‘consciousness’ and ‘self’, Ramachandran alleges that explaining mental illnesses using such assertions is ignorant. In order to explain the problem arising from definition of the self, the author uses the problem of qualia. Qualia are simply subjective sensations. Thus, through the awareness of sensations, the constituents of the consciousness and the self are attached to neuroscience. Ramachandran is able to use qualia in determining the locations in the brain and the functions that enable derivation as well as the qualities that constitute the Sense of Self. In conclusion, Ramachandran borders on various approaches and even constitutes a supplementary approach in order to explain the nature of self. Various factors that comprise the Sense of Self such as consciousness and free will are controversial fields that blur the line between neurology and philosophy. Nevertheless, it is evident that uncovering consciousness in the context of mental illness is a problem that is difficult to ascertain in the field of neuroscience.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Yasmin almonte lantzs herstory essays

Yasmin almonte lantz's herstory essays Red is the predominant color in all of Yasmin Almonte-Lantzs works. This is because she believes that Red is blood, red is life, red is death, red is love, red is violence, red is passion. And truly, all her works reflect much about life from a womans perspective. In almost all her paintings, women are made as subjects. For example, in the piece Herstory, we know right away from the title that the subject is a her; a woman. It is also part of her feminism that she depicts women in her paintings as beautiful objects. I especially love the vivid details she puts into the women in her pieces. Although most are in their birthday suits, I understand this method to be a portrayal of the beauty and innocence, innate in every woman. From first glance, and without knowing the title of Almonte-Lantzs painting, one would immediately notice the predominant color, red, being used as a background, which looks like some sort of fire. Then there are three images: a puppet, and a kneeling woman, both bounded together by a red ribbon. However, at a closer look, one could see another feminine figure, blending among the flames. Her face is undefined because of the absence of facial features such as the eyes and mouth, but she does, however have a nose. Also, she is positioned upside down. The painting, with its colors, and characters, is a scary sight. The first thing that I saw upon looking at the painting was agony. The characters looked real and imposing, as if they were in hell. The overall effect was that the subjects of the painting are falling into the fiery abyss. And what I saw from the faces of the subjects was a look of pleasure, yet one of immense pain at the same time. For instance, the puppet and the kneel ing woman in the painting had eyes. However, the more I look at it, the more they seem to be hollow slots without eyeballs. The features of the kneeling woman projected a hint of ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Columbine Attack and its Results Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 27

Columbine Attack and its Results - Case Study Example Most importantly, it shows that outer appearances can be deceptive and hide cruelty, twisted mindset and general tendency to vandalism. Parents and authorities should have got alert with the first offense, howsoever minor, and consulted a good psychiatrist to unravel the psychology of young students, who were otherwise intelligent and seemingly well mannered. Parents had never tried to go into the depth of the things when they had come across their children’s criminal behavior, including the making of homemade bombs. The authorities should also have investigated the activities, including cyber activities of the students and studied the characteristics of a psychopath, before letting them get into the program and allowed early release. The evildoers are always people who use covert behavior to hide their true intentions. The evil activities and criminal behavior are never an isolated act but are characterized by a trend or pattern of criminal acts. Thus, if the person has committed a criminal activity, it is important to investigate his past actions and take the help of psychologists to assess deviant personality. No, Harris and Klebold should not be forgiven for their assault on Columbine High School. They are a strong example of abnormal personality with a devious mindset and violent tendencies. The attack was deliberately carried out in an educational institute, targeting innocent children and faculty members. The basic objective was to create an environment of terror for the sole purpose of personal satisfaction. Moreover, it was also an expression of hatred against people at large. Thus, their acts must be condemned publicly and not forgiven. The parents had taken lightly the criminal activities of their children and shown scarce concern for discipline or punishment to improve them. Such type of parental neglect gives the wrong signal to children and encourages them towards unsocial activities and acts of violence. Hence, parents should also have been held responsible for the acts of their children and served as an early alarm for those parents who ignore minor and not so minor evil or criminal activities of their children within and outside the home.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Strategic Analysis differentials Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Strategic Analysis differentials - Assignment Example The board of directors of public companies should be involved in the planning process associated with strategic analysis at the corporate level. The implementation of strategic analysis at the business level is much different than at the corporate level. The manager or supervisor of a business unit is the person responsible for strategic analysis decisions at the business level. A big difference between the two concepts is that decisions made at the business level do not affect the long term plans of the company. Companies that empower their employees often involve their floor employees in the decision making process at the business level. A way to involve employees in the decision making process is by implementing a feedback system. Most of the decisions performed by supervisors or managers at the business level affect the company in the short term, which is much different than at the corporate level which deals mostly with long term