Thursday, October 31, 2019

Dreams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dreams - Essay Example Due to their authoritative influence for example in my case, parents may force their children to take up career courses that are not within their interests (Gysbers 2008 p 32). This essay will show that this may lead to poor job performance and conflicts in the work place. It also suggests the best approach that parents should take while discussing their children’s career choice which is to be supportive as well as less authoritative. This essay is a critical evaluation of the parent’s influence, using myself as an example, on the career dreams that their children may have as well as the consequences of such influence. Every parent would be proud to have successful children, in their careers as well as life in general. Similarly, there is no child who would be proud to be a failure in the society. It therefore becomes necessary for the two parties to join efforts to ensure that only the best comes from the children’s life. While in the process, it becomes possible to experience conflicts in ideologies which may either result to a wrong career choice or disappointment in life (Gysbers 2008 p 25). In many cases, parents misuse the opportunity to guide their children into choosing the right careers whereby they tend to force them into what they themselves see as the best for their children. By doing so, they forget that every individual has unique characteristics which determine their interests as well as their hobbies. It would therefore be wrong for anyone be it the parent or friend to try and force his interests in another person. However, I believe that it is always necessary to offer vari ous options to the child using an open minded approach whereby both parties would be willing to listen to the other person’s point of view. My career dream has always been to become a Chef but on the other hand my parents do not support this but instead, they want me to become a nurse. These are two very different careers and it may be

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Apple Mission Statement Essay Example for Free

Apple Mission Statement Essay Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced iPad 2 which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices. When shoppers sleep outside of stores just to be one of the first to buy an iPhone, its obvious that Apple Inc. is a company that enjoys fanatical brand loyalty. However, this brand success is not a result of dumb luck or forces beyond Apples control; its part of a well-thought-out plan to deliver strong products and to create an Apple culture. Find out more about these and other strategies that Apple employs to achieve its tremendous customer loyalty. A Store Just for Apple: Apple has historically been troubled by big-box sales staffers who are ill-informed about its products, a problem that made it difficult for Apple to set its very different products apart from the rest of the computing crowd. By creating a store strictly devoted to Apple products, the company has not only eliminated this problem but has made an excellent customer-loyalty move. Apple stores are a friendly place where Mac and PC users alike are encouraged to play with and explore the technology that the company offers. This is a space where Macheads can not only get service but also hang out with others who enjoy Apple products just as much as they do. By creating this space, Apple encourages current and new customers to get excited about what it has to offer. Complete Solutions: Apples products complement and complete each other. Buy an iPod, and you can download music via iTunes. For the average user, most Mac programs are produced by Apple. This sort of control over the entire user process, from hardware to software, strengthens customer loyalty. Apple users generally dont have to stray to find products and solutions they want. Are You a Mac? : Lets face it, Apple is a hip brand. It pushes a strong identification with everything young, up-to-the-minute and smart. Consider Apples Im a Mac campaign. The Mac guy is smooth and confident, while PC appears uptight and old. Once youve become smooth, would you want to go back to uptight? Varied Products: Many consumers may not be ready to buy an Apple computer, but theyre willing to give gadgets like the iPod or iPhone a try. By selling products with lower entry costs, t creates an opportunity for new users to be introduced to Apple. If these users enjoy their gadgets, theyre more likely to consider buying an Apple computer in the future. Media Fodder: Media outlets, especially bloggers, love to write about Apple. Why? Because Apple makes it so easy. With leaked rumors about new developments, its very own expo and mysterious shutdowns of its online store, Apple gift wraps news stories that are just begging for speculation and hype. By perpetuating this cycle of media frenzy, Apple keeps its customers excited about buying new Apple products now and in the future. Education Sales: By selling its products to schools and universities, Apple turns classrooms into showrooms. If students go through school using Apple products, they become comfortable with the interface and familiar with the superior performance the brand offers. By creating this early exposure, Apple captures customers before they even know that they are customers. Products That Deliver: Apple carefully considers what consumers are looking for, so its products are a result of both extensive research and strong design. This meticulous planning is a large contributor to Apples high customer-satisfaction rates. Its plain and simple: Robust and easy-to-use products not only make your customers happy, but also make them want to buy more products from you in the future. Outsourcing Unpleasantness: With Apple products, the average consumers interaction with the company is likely to be low. Unless something goes wrong, you dont have any reason to speak with an Apple customer-service representative. Of course, the iPhone presented an opportunity that could have made Apple much more involved, similar to administering iTunes for the iPod. With a phone, interaction becomes multifaceted. You have to consider billing errors, quality of wireless service, contracts and a number of other factors that often lead to customer frustration. With the iPhone, Apple was wise to stick with building a good product and letting ATT handle the service. Consistency: All of Apples products have the same basic architecture. Because of this consistency, customers who already own Apple products have a good idea of what theyll be getting before they make a purchase. They know that it will be easy to adapt to new hardware, and this makes them more open to making a repeat purchase. New Innovations: Although the architecture of Apple products is consistent, its portfolio is not. The company offers consumers a number of different ways to enjoy its products. By giving customers an opportunity to employ Apple in their living rooms, pockets and offices, Apple makes it easy to stay loyal to a brand they already like. Attractiveness: From packaging to aesthetic design to user-interface experience, Apple makes its products accessible and attractive. Bright colors, a smiling icon and slick-looking hardware remind customers every time they use Apple products that what Apple offers is appealing.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Hazardous Materials Encountered by Firefighters

Hazardous Materials Encountered by Firefighters Introduction: Its worth mentioning that being a firefighter is a very hard job. In fact, firefighters have to face a lot of dangerous situations every day in which they must be very careful in order not to lose their lives. One of the things firefighters have to deal with is hazardous materials. Any kind of substance or material that could lead to causing any harm to a human, an establishment or living organisms and surroundings is considered hazardous. On the other side, there are certain emergency situations where these hazardous materials are left without covers or lids and could lead to injuries or burnings to humans. Thats why a lot of organizations provide firefighters with a lot of training programs in order to teach them how to be able to take correct decisions while facing any danger. These programs are very helpful because they increase the awareness of workers and enable them to determine any hazardous situation, analyze the dangerous materials and isolate them in order not to cause har m as well as protecting the surroundings. Hazardous materials that firefighters encounter: One of the most famous organizations responsible for offering protection and guidelines for firefighters to assure their safety is National Fire Protection Association. As a matter of fact, this association managed to create a marking system in order to determine certain characteristics. In case of finding these characteristics, the firefighter must know that these materials are hazardous and he must be very careful while dealing with them. This system is formed in the shape of a diamond and it has four sections. Each section is marked by a different color and represents a certain characteristic. Here are these four sections: First: materials that could lead to health problems: this section is marked by blue color. As a matter of fact, health issues can be generated from being exposed to something like inhaling gases and could last for different periods ranging between a second and one hour or more. On the contrary, physical efforts and operations done by firefighters during these emergency cases could result in increasing the strength of bad consequences over those employees and could lead to negative outcomes. Second: materials that could lead to burning: this section is marked by red color. This section contains any materials that could cause raise the risk levels and could expose firefighters to burning. From these materials are flammable gases or liquids. Thats why there are various ways to attack and put out the fire according to the element of susceptibility of each material. Third: materials that could result in producing energy whether they are combined with water or not: this section is marked by yellow color. It also includes cases related to being exposed to fire and shock or pressure. Furthermore, materials in this category could be reactive or stable based on the element of susceptibility existed in them. Some of these materials are explosives for instance. Fourth: this section is marked in white. In addition, it only mentions information about the characteristics of each hazardous material like whether they are reactive or not with water and if they are capable of being oxidized or not. Steps employed to ensure public safety in the event of an accidental release: In addition to creating the marking system of hazardous materials, the American Environmental Protection Agency was able to create a protection system to help firefighters and provide them with the right procedures and precautions to be implemented in emergency situations. The Agency has divided these procedures into four levels: A, B, C and D.   The first level: firefighters must wear clothes that offer the highest levels and standards of protection since they will have to deal with extremely dangerous substances. Thats why they have to put on suits and boots resistant to any chemical materials, gloves to cover their hands, hats and other garments to protect their faces and bodies. They also must be provided with breathing devices in case of being chocked. The second level: firefighters in this level have to be provided with clothes to protect their respiratory system. However, protecting eyes and skin is needed but less than the first level. Thats why firefighters are offered clothes resistant to chemicals as well as breathing apparatuses. The third level:firefighters in this level cover their faces and are provided with devices to purify air from any toxic materials as well as clothes resistant to chemicals and respirators. They use these suits and apparatuses when they have information about concentration of hazardous materials, their characteristics and types. Besides, firefighters in this level are provided with suits to protect their skin like in the second level. However, respiratory protection is low comparing to level B. The fourth level: firefighters in this level are provided with normal clothes. These clothes are used as uniform for the job since they dont offer any kind of protection whether for the skin or the respiratory system. Thats why firefighters must not put them on in case of dangerous or emergency cases.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Conclusion: In a nutshell, being a firefighter is extremely a difficult job. The reason for that is because you can lose your life in any second. Thats why every single firefighter must be careful while dealing with emergency situations. He must also have a background about the kinds of hazardous materials he could encounter in any fire scene. Besides, he has to know how to deal with situations and how to take the right decision under pressure. On the other side, organizations which are interested in firefighters must provide them with trainings and events in order to increase their awareness and encourage them to face dangers using right methods and techniques. In addition, they have to attract the attention of the whole world to the importance of such job, the problems firefighters might face and health problems they might be exposed do during their daily work. Finally, they have to offer those firefighters with the needed resources and clothes in order to be able to protect themselves well ag ainst any danger. References   Metro Graphics. (2001). Emergency Department Response to Hazardous Materials Incidents. Retrieved from atsdr.cdc.go: NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION. (2001). HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS . Retrieved from Sandoval County Fire Department. (2013, Dec). Hazardous Materials Awareness: Self-Study Guide. Retrieved from

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Power of Language in Shakespeares Othello Essay examples -- GCSE

The Power of Language in Othello      Ã‚   In Othello, Shakespeare explores the relationship between words and events. Spoken thought, in the play, has all the power of action; speaking about an event will make that event become reality for those who hear - it will affect reality as if that event had taken place. Shakespeare demonstrates the power of words poignantly through Othello's monologues. Othello struggles with the reality that Iago creates for him. When Othello speaks, he reveals that he is unable to stop himself from carrying out acts that Iago's and his own words have prophesied and initiated. Othello's monologues further demonstrate that even the knowledge of the power of words cannot protect the characters from the consequences which the words demand. Speaking about an event is prophecy in Othello, but it is more than just an objective foretelling of the future. Words become the all powerful initiators of action, once spoken they cannot be counter-acted , they alone determine the course of the future. Othello's monologue before he murders Desdemona is an excellent passage to study Shakespeare's thesis of how words relate to action. 7  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Put out the light, and then put out the light! 8  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If I quench thee, thou flaming minister, 9  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I can again thy former light restore 10  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Should I repent me.   But once put out thy light, 11   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thou cunning'st pattern of excelling nature, 12   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I know not where is that Promethean heat 13   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   That can thy former light relume: when I have plucked the 14  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     rose 15  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I cannot give it vital growth again, 16   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It needs must wither. Ãâ€"   (Othello, 5.2.7-... ...d the destinies of others. Shakespeare's language in all of his writing is incredibly forceful, but in Othello he makes a statement about the powerful impact the spoken word has on reality. It is a message of responsibility and warning, Othello is a tragedy of powerful words spoken wantonly. Works Cited and Consulted Campbell, Lily B. Shakespeare’s Tragic Heroes. New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc., 1970. Di Yanni, Robert. â€Å"Character Revealed Through Dialogue.† Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Literature. N. p.: Random House, 1986. Muir, Kenneth. Introduction. William Shakespeare: Othello. New York: Penguin Books, 1968. Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Motivation Theories Essay

A couple of decades ago, the topic of motivation were just another term in the books of managers trying to implement behavioural techniques on their employees. Give perks, give monetary benefits, performance rewards and employees are bound to be motivated – as simple as that. But gradually as the years passed by, as people began to move out of the shackles of monotonous, menial work environments, there was a radical shift on how management studies began to view motivation. There were debates, lectures, psychological-social experiments and theories which suddenly threw the old concepts aside and brought in new ones. The topic became a cynosure of all management, scientific and economic studies – a topic which was deemed simple suddenly became a complex monster without which, the workplace culture was poised to be threatened. Employees, after all, are the biggest assets of organizations – and motivation is what keeps them going. This paper will explore why the different motivational theories are important and break away from the usual old age concept of motivation and show it as the world is viewing motivation nowadays. The idea is to generate a certain amount of interest and debate in the topic (otherwise relative) so as to obtain a clear understanding as to what might be the underlying reasons for employee motivation. Motivation Theories Assuming that the reader already knows what motivation is, have known about the various popular motivation theories and can distinguish between the various motivational theories and the literature surrounding them; it has been observed how the traditional motivational theories of Maslow have almost vanished from the experiments and recent research papers, whilst laying emphasis on job environments and social evaluations. As the global market moves through recurring waves of economic slowdown and instability, more organizational changes have occurred leading to fluctuations in employee satisfaction and the way workers view their jobs. Motivation, clearly, has been a challenge. Leaving aside the various theories, basic motivational factors such as compensation rewards, innovative performance evaluation methods, the nature of work, organizational changes and socio-political structure have been evolving over the past few years and that has a direct impact on motivation. Among all the theories, the one which stands out (and is probably relevant) is Herzberg’s motivator –hygiene theory, which divides the concept into two parts – the motivator factors and the hygiene factors. While job satisfaction and work autonomy contribute to the ‘motivator’ factors, ‘hygiene’ factors constituted of pay and performance. Herzberg deduced that the insufficient hygiene factors lead to de-motivation and the motivator factors like job enrichment contribute to motivation. This is in compliance with the Hackman and Oldham’s theory of job enrichment which talks about increasing motivation stemming from skill identity, autonomy, task significance and job purpose. Deci & Ryan’s model talk about the similar aspects, giving rise to the notion that extrinsic motivational factors (factors outside work like pay, performance compensations, rewards) directly oppose the intrinsic factors (job satisfaction, challenging tasks, etcetera). While it is completely baseless to say that monetary rewards, i. e. xtrinsic factors do not work, it has been observed that insufficiency of such factors lead to extreme de motivation. On the flip side, intrinsic motivational factors work only if the work is challenging enough to engage the interest of an individual wherein the job has a psychological impact on the skills of the employee. [1] New Theories and Experiments As we usher into newer business environments, new theories and experiments have cropped up which are causing a paradigm shift in the way the world looks at motivation. The most popular which are used in business organizations are the carrot and stick approach [10] where colloquially employees are given ‘carrots’ as rewards and ‘sticks’ for reprimands. This consequently produces desirable and undesirable behaviours among employees who perform mechanical and process oriented jobs as in the service industry [13] . However, playing by the rules of the motivation theories, there have been an opposition to this and there was an approach constructed around the concept of intrinsic motivation when it comes to jobs which require creativity and rudimentary cognitive skills like building new products. Among the most famous ones are the performance of the candle experiment (see Appendix 1) with a three groups of people where each group was given varying monetary rewards to solve the candle problem [6]. The result shows how the motivation through monetary rewards falls flat in the face of creative and cognitive jobs. The same has been elucidated Author Dan Pink in his bestseller book about motivation, Drive [14]. A similar experiment was performed by LSE economics who concluded that â€Å"†¦ financial incentives can result in a negative impact on overall performance† [4]. As the topsy-turvy war between various motivation theories continues, there are companies who have exemplified intrinsic motivation by providing autonomy to their employees to motivate them – Google, Atlassian, Wikipedia are just among the few examples. This display of being able to motivate their employees has led to these companies being the stalwarts in their respective industries. Accountability and autonomy has been redefining motivation theories all across organizations in the Western world [3]. However, across industries, organizations have been still trying to motivate their employees through rewards and monetary benefits while ignoring the age old basics of the intrinsic motivation theory. Motivation in an economic crisis The fire test for managers concerning this subject comes during an economic downturn when employee motivation is at an all time low. Organizational behaviour theory suggests the usage of three models: The Authoritarian model is used by most firms worldwide involving trying to control processes and bring all the resources in order through downsizing. However, this only leads to a substantial decrease in employee motivation. The IT service industry in India and other parts of Asia has been using this model during economic slowdown. This can be traced back to the roots of the Indian society which is built on a more authoritarian culture [11] . As the IT service industry is a more process oriented job, the managers mostly try to balance the company profits with resource downsizing. Interestingly, this industry sector also successfully uses the ‘carrot and stick’ approach to motivate their employees. The Paternalistic model tries to build up on the social protection of employees by gaining their trust and their willingness to continue with the company. This does not dampen motivation but does not elevate employee motivation enough to bring the firm out of crisis, as the employees are not encouraged to improve their skills. Russian firms in the 1990’s used this model to control the economic downturn but failed miserably as the employees were not motivated and it also accentuated the crisis situation. Based on Rensis Likert’s Supportive relationships principle, the Supportive model recognizes the employee as the most important member of the firm, which in turn is likened to a social system [2] . Probably the best form of motivation during a crisis would be the supportive relationship principle wherein people’s outlook towards economic barriers are used to overcome the crisis, hence changing their attitude towards job satisfaction and organization commitment by discovering growth opportunities, giving the employees ideas to foster company profitability and minimizing their professional crisis [5]. Motivation in IT industries – Asian vs. Western As the world is being swept by technological advancements, the IT sector has been in the boom and has been defining the trend in economic patterns. Considering the IT industry, in Asian markets such as India or the Philippines, where the industry is more service oriented, the motivation model is completely different from that which is used in the Western world. Western IT companies, which are more product based, do not follow the age old motivation theories. These theories like Maslow and Taylor of trying to influence workers and employees with fat salaries have been adopted by organizations which have an Indian base. However, the Indian companies which deal with the IT service industry address the needs of the employees in a more radical and structured manner as these companies understand the needs of the employees better than the Western companies with a presence in India. The dichotomy of the East-West cultures force organizations to take various approaches to the subject of motivating employees. In India, the BPO and the IT industry, which mostly dominate the economy, is heavily dependent on people, hence the motivational approaches are as important as the job itself [12]. The industry also shows a large spike in attrition as past trends have shown arising out of factors mainly because the employee is not motivated. An attitude study was conducted by Robbins to find out behavioural patterns of employees in BPO industry and to find out whether redesign of work, autonomy and restructuring teamwork and feedback increase satisfaction at the workplace, which in turn results in higher performance and motivating employees. The results were surprising as it was found that there was no relationship between job characteristics and motivation. Instead it was found that BPO workers were motivated to work as long as their salaries and financial demands were being met [9]. This technique is adopted by a lot of multinational companies which establish their BPO base in Indian and Philippine market. However, the Indian companies in the IT sector take a different approach by addressing the working conditions (like graveyard shift benefits), social concerns and standard of living of the employees. This is provided, not only by monetary benefits, but also by work time flexibility, autonomy, purpose and a sense of belonging. Surprisingly, this is the same strategy which is used in the western culture to motivate the employees. In Malaysia, where the service industry is one of the most emerging markets in Asia, there are several push and pull factors which affect employee motivation, which in turn affects the high rate of attrition in this sector. Studies in the Malaysian IT service market have concluded that though compensation and rewards have been the primary methods to motivate employees, work and job purpose are also seen as among the various pull factors which affect it [7]. Recently, however, international businesses have been restructuring and redesigning their reward and motivation scheme to address the local culture of Asian countries, aligning them with those of the Western cultures. Conclusion Motivation, as we see, is not just about trying to encourage employees with rewards and benefits. A lot of psychological and social aspects are intertwined with the way motivation works. All the motivational theories are bound to clash against each other as organizations are changing the way they look at employees and their needs. Managers need to be aware of the fact that employees are not just assets and treat workers with a sense of belonging. As globalization is turning a page, managers have to keep in mind how the workers react to workplace environments and how they can be motivated to shape up organizations and industries, on a whole by inducing creativity and encouraging them to look at the broader picture existing in businesses.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Essay Example

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Essay Example Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Essay Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Essay Internet has developed the global among every thing in our life. In the last century, the world became smaller like a village. The users of the internet are increasing because of the interest for them from the free services. The communities have knowledge and benefits from the internet; however, some of them are victims own to this international network. The internet has many benefits for the population especially the communication; such as social networks and E-mails. For instance, Face Book, Twitter, and Google let us to get in touch with each other by easy way from computers and mobiles. Furthermore, E-mail is the official technique to contact with the organizations, companies, and universities; for example, the students, who want to register in collage often send online request, to accept them. In addition, the internet has wise encyclopedia which contain any things the readers want to know. Even though, people have TVs and news paper, they prefer to follow the fresh news about politics and sports from the internet. On the other hand, the victims are targets for hackers who steal private information across the online network. For example, fake websites to sell products to steal the MasterCard information. None the less, some users have anti-varies to protect their systems. Also, many people wise their time in the chat while they have spoken about no things. In my opinion, the internet is very important for me. By my side, I always study by watching lessons and reading from the internet. Also, I improve my skills from the internet. This causes an individual to be less sociable in reality and it worsens relationships between family and friends. Risk a theft to our personal information if we use the Internet for online banking Imposter can trick us into doing inappropriate things and even hijack our money if were not careful some dishonest vendors sell low quality goods to their customers.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Bin Laden

As America fought wars around the globe in the 20th century, one principle guided U.S. alliances: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. In the war against Hitler, the United States found common cause with Stalin. In the war against Japan, America aided Vietnamese rebel Ho Chi Minh. In Third World struggles, America helped Manuel Noriega and Saddam Hussein. And as Afghan rebels fought Soviet invaders in the During the 1980s, the United States gave aid from afar while Saudi exile Osama bin Laden provided support from within Afghanistan. Bin Laden emerged quickly after the September 11th attack on America as the prime suspect, directing a global network of terrorists from camps in Afghanistan. His apparent role in the attacks and the possibility of retaliation generated acute interest in Omaha, home to about 300 former Afghan refugees and the nation's only Center for Afghanistan Studies. Before most of the world knew who bin Laden was, Thomas Gouttierre, director of the Afghan program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO), spent several months studying him for the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan in 1996 and '97. Gouttierre, who has 37 years experience dealing with Afghanistan, used his sources to confirm for then-U.N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali that bin Laden had returned to Afghanistan after leaving Sudan. In his office, Gouttierre still has his bin Laden file, including maps showing the locations of his training camps in the mountainous Central Asian nation. The UNO scholar never met bin Laden but saw his compound in the city of Kandahar and once saw his motorcade pass as the terrorist leader traveled protected by security vehicles. Gouttierre also spent part of his U.N. duty meeting and studying the Taliban, radical Muslim clerics who were and still are fighting for control of Afghanistan. The Taliban reportedly control about 95 percent of the country now. Even before la... Free Essays on Bin Laden Free Essays on Bin Laden A Response to â€Å"Bin Laden’s Bad Bet† Franklin Zakaria, in his article makes a shocking point for most Americans. A year ago, America was stricken with terror. We had the curtain pulled from right in front of our eyes, and on stage we saw a tyrant, Osama Bin Laden, and his Al Queda organization. Hiding behind the curtain for years, Bin Laden planned a treacherous â€Å"play† of terror. When the time was right, and all of America was not paying attention, the curtain was drawn back and the Taliban, along with its director, proceeded to surprise the world with their â€Å"play†. However, September 11, 2001 was not a â€Å"play†; it was an act of destruction, a plot of pure evil. Osama Bin Laden’s motive was not one only to affect the United States but the whole world. He hoped that by his feats of terror he would spark an outburst of radical movements across the Islamic world. Nevertheless, â€Å"The dog has not barked.† (Zakaria p.34) Some believe that he is hiding from fear; yet others sense that Bin Laden is hiding not in fear but in hope to resurrect another plan of mass destruction. Fareed Zakaria gives us a history lesson to help explain his point of view on the outcome of September 11. A decade ago, many people were concerned with political Islam-â€Å"how to setup an Islamic state, implement Sharia and practice Islamic banking.† (p.34) Algeria, Egypt, Turkey, and Pakistan all were terrorized by Islamic groups like the mullahs, but today they are for the most part vanquished. Again, many say that they are still in hiding, but this is where Mr. Zakaria makes an outstanding point. If these terrorist are in hiding it must be in fear, because how can a political movement achieve its goals if no one speaks its name? â€Å"A revolution, especially a transitional one, needs ideologues, pamphlets and party lines to articulate its message to the world. It needs politicians willing to embrace its cause. The Islami... Free Essays on Bin Laden As America fought wars around the globe in the 20th century, one principle guided U.S. alliances: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. In the war against Hitler, the United States found common cause with Stalin. In the war against Japan, America aided Vietnamese rebel Ho Chi Minh. In Third World struggles, America helped Manuel Noriega and Saddam Hussein. And as Afghan rebels fought Soviet invaders in the During the 1980s, the United States gave aid from afar while Saudi exile Osama bin Laden provided support from within Afghanistan. Bin Laden emerged quickly after the September 11th attack on America as the prime suspect, directing a global network of terrorists from camps in Afghanistan. His apparent role in the attacks and the possibility of retaliation generated acute interest in Omaha, home to about 300 former Afghan refugees and the nation's only Center for Afghanistan Studies. Before most of the world knew who bin Laden was, Thomas Gouttierre, director of the Afghan program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO), spent several months studying him for the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan in 1996 and '97. Gouttierre, who has 37 years experience dealing with Afghanistan, used his sources to confirm for then-U.N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali that bin Laden had returned to Afghanistan after leaving Sudan. In his office, Gouttierre still has his bin Laden file, including maps showing the locations of his training camps in the mountainous Central Asian nation. The UNO scholar never met bin Laden but saw his compound in the city of Kandahar and once saw his motorcade pass as the terrorist leader traveled protected by security vehicles. Gouttierre also spent part of his U.N. duty meeting and studying the Taliban, radical Muslim clerics who were and still are fighting for control of Afghanistan. The Taliban reportedly control about 95 percent of the country now. Even before la...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Blueberry Incorporated †Global Business Plan

Blueberry Incorporated – Global Business Plan Free Online Research Papers Blueberry Incorporated is a Seattle, Washington-based telecommunications company considering introducing its cellular telephones to the Chinese market. Aware of the fact that there is strong competition in the market, Blueberry understands that the high demand for cellular telephones in China outweighs the existing threat of competition and makes conducting business in the country an attractive business opportunity for the Seattle-based company. However, before moving forward with the idea of entering the Chinese market, Blueberry must take a close look at the risks associated with doing business in China and find a way to manage such risks. Hill (2009) stated â€Å"The attractiveness of a country as a potential market for an international business depends on balancing the benefits, costs, and risks associated with doing business in that country† (p. 488). By conducting a regional and a country analysis, Blueberry will have a picture of the challenges associated with conducti ng business in China and the necessary data to give life to objectives and goals that will help the company tailor a plan. Once the risks associated with doing business in China have been identified, Blueberry will conduct a SWOT analysis that will help identify the pros and cons of moving forward with the company’ plan. Once a regional and a country analysis have taken place, Blueberry Incorporated must identify a strategy that will help launch and sell the cellular telephones in the Chinese market, and an optimal entry mode that will support the company’s objectives and goals. Each entry mode has advantages and disadvantages. Hill (2009) stated â€Å"Managers need to consider these carefully when deciding which to use† (p. 493). Blueberry Incorporated will present and analyze data regarding conducting operations in China; based on the results of the analysis, Blueberry will have to decide if moving forward with the idea of entering the Chinese market would be a feasible idea. The Conceptualized Organization and Product The Chinese market is in the midst of a rampant shift in consumerism. As China is shifting from â€Å"developing country† status to a major center of trade, foreign corporations are looking upon this consumer giant as a growth area. With merging markets and increases in consumerism, corporations must hit this emerging economy running. Blueberry Inc. is a Seattle-based telecommunications company founded as a result of the information technology bubble burst in the 1990s. The company has divisions all over the U.S. with recent success in the Canadian market. Blueberry Inc. has a diverse employee base employing 18,000 people globally. Blueberry Inc. has developed a smart phone that has revolutionized the North American market by bringing the desktop computer to the palm of the hand. Currently Blueberry Inc. outsources the manufacturing of the handheld devices to their plants in China, capitalizing on the lower costs of labor and proximately to parts vendors. The company has found success in their streamlined supply chain and logistic coordination processes that has resulted in efficiency increases and cost reductions. Blueberry Inc. has developed a reputation for quality and innovation. With immense success in North American, Blueberry stakeholders are looking at China as a new growth market. By the year 2015 China is positioned to be the second largest economy next the U.S. in terms of GDP by billions of dollars (Hill, 2009). When trending economic growth and population increases, China’s growth is exponential. The slope in trend curve is greater than that of the United States, whom currently the largest global economy. Blueberry Inc. current manufacturing footprint aligns the company with their growth objectives. The strategy opens new markets and decreases the distance to market that both equate to increased profitability. Region Analysis For Blueberry Inc. to successfully setup operations abroad in China, the organization will need regional alliances along the Far East and Australasia region. One portion of the alliance can be found in China and is already in place because of the outsourcing that takes place in the manufacturing plants. This takes care of the manufacturing side of the business; however the American company will need to establish alliances on the marketing side. Huawei is a telecommunications company in China that specializes in Broadband, cell phones, core network, data communication, and value-added services (Huawei, 2010). â€Å"Every day, 120,000 new Chinese customers subscribe to a cell phone service† (Gifford, 2005, p.1). Such a statistic clearly shows that a market exists for cell phone customers in the country. Huawei competes with ZTE, another large Chinese-based telecom company. Blueberry Inc. could consider developing an alliance with Huawei for sales and distribution. Such a move would be beneficial for Blueberry Inc. expanding their international ventures and assisting Huawei to remain competitive with ZTE. Coordinating with organizations like the Chinese Market Research group will give Blueberry Inc. better insight regarding competition and market analysis. The Far East and Australasia region has faced many security challenges with threats of terrorism but such threats were reduced by the pause in al-Qa’ida activity (Tan, 2010). In addition to terrorist threats, the Southeast Asian waterways were threatened by piracy (Tan, 2010). Though China is considered politically stable, there have been questions and issues of corruption, social unrest, and energy shortages within the entire region. Threats and concerns exist in China, but it is not known as a current flashpoint for terrorist activity. It is known that the region has seen hardships concerning social conditions. The region has also been plagued with rioting and domestic instability followed by health scares such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and fears of the avian influenza pandemic (Tan, 2010). â€Å"In 2009 the region was deeply affected by the global economic downturn precipitated by the financial crisis in the USA. The nature of the global interlinked economy resulted in a contagion effect, which had a serious impact on the region. However, although Japan’s economy was in rapid decline in early 2009, China withstood the crisis relatively well, owing to its vast foreign-exchange reserves and dynamic economy. As a result, China emerged in 2009 to take its place as a global power, while the USA experienced serious economic difficulties† (Tan, 2010). The National People’s Congress in China has focused more attention on growing social instability matters like industrial and production safety, pollution, health care, education, taxation, land-seizures and population relocation (Chan, 2006). The Far East and Australasia region also has environmental issues such as pollution, increased landslides, untreated sewage affecting waterways, and dust storms. Logist ically the physical environment does not negatively affect trade as China has many harbors for imports and exports and has spent millions of dollars upgrading infrastructure. Country Analysis Political Stability China’s unitary state status calls for a structured way of government composed of different levels of control and feedback. According to  ROUTLEDGE TAYLOR AND FRANCIS GROUP  (2010),  Ã¢â‚¬Å"China is a unitary state. Directly under the Central Government there are 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, including Xizang (Tibet), and four municipalities (Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai and Tianjin)† (Government,  para. 1). The different levels in this type of government structure serve as check points in making decisions that could affect the country’s political stability. This process helps screen decisions that could negatively impact the country and affect an economic venture. Economic Conditions China’s economic conditions inspire moving forward with conducting business in the country. According, to  Bloomberg  (2010)  Ã¢â‚¬Å"China’s economy is the third largest in the world, after the U.S. and Japan, and as the second largest trading nation, its influence on the world economy continues to grow† (Chinas Economy,  Para. 1). Finance Options Availables Business loans from commercial banks can help a company generate the funds necessary to cross borders and do business at a global level. Seeking investors who will help fund the cost of doing business can also help a company reach its business goals. With China’s economy continuing to grow, finding interested investors should not be very challenging. According to  ROUTLEDGE TAYLOR AND FRANCIS GROUP  (2010), â€Å"In 2007, according to estimates by the World Bank, China’s gross national income (GNI), measured at average 2005–07 prices, was US  $3,120,891m., equivalent to some $2,360 per head (or $5,370 on an international purchasing-power parity basis)† (Economic Affairs, Para. 1) . Physical Environment and its Effect on Trade The selection of a location in China that will make doing business at a global level possible is an important factor to consider. The size of the country offers many locations for a business to be established however, selecting an area close to shipping avenues will facilitate reaching other countries. According to  ROUTLEDGE TAYLOR AND FRANCIS GROUP  (2010),  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The People’s Republic of China covers a vast area of eastern Asia, with Mongolia and Russia to the north, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan to the north-west, Afghanistan and Pakistan to the west, and India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar (formerly Burma), Laos and Viet Nam to the south† (Location, Climate, Language, Religion, Flag, Capital,  Para. 1). Social, Health, and Environmental Conditions China has thousands of institutes of higher learning with more than 20 students attending. The country’s level of education reflects in its social development. China’s health system is mostly based on government operated expensive and corrupt hospitals. Some environmental conditions in China are air pollution, diminishing biodiversity, and water pollution (ROUTLEDGE TAYLOR AND FRANCIS GROUP,  2010). Cultural Considerations Ignoring cultural differences and not taking China’s culture into consideration during the planning and execution phases of doing business in the country could lead to failure. The different views on Chinese and American values must be clearly understood and not allowed to interfere with the business’ success. â€Å"The Chinese may contribute land, factory, labor, and some machinery, but expect foreign investors to contribute technology, capital, equipment, management expertise, and working capital. They rely on nepotism; as a result many firms are poorly managed, with excess staff and weak work ethic† (Wong Maher,  1997, p. 11). Legal, Regulatory, and Political Risks As their nations economy has grown, Chinese officials have worked to improve global business conditions. International business presents tremendous opportunities but also a significant amount of risks are involved. Though the government has  implemented certain strategies to mitigate risks, the regulatory risk in China still remains. Conducting business in China can be costly, as the visiting company must confer with various Chinese authorities, which often incurs extra costs (Hoening, 2007). Many of China’s policies are design to protect their home organizations from foreign competition. Companies looking to invest or open businesses in China must be aware of local laws and also that risk increases when dealing with the Chinese judicial system. Because of the communist government, the political risk of doing business in China is heightened. The authoritarian government possesses absolute power and the country has strong military and intelligence agency presence. Political variables strongly affect the way business is performed in China. Repatriation and Foreign Exchange In 2008, China exempted an American venture firm from paying 10 % withholding tax for repatriating profits (Marshall, 2008). China has had strict rules on foreign exchange but has made efforts to reconsider to attract more international business. In April 2010, China publicly stated they â€Å"will make its own decisions on how to manage its exchange rate and rejected accusations that the Yuan is undervalued, amid growing international calls for a stronger currency. The commerce ministry defends the exchange rate policy as necessary to protect Chinese exporters hit by the global financial crisis and ensure jobs growth in the vast manufacturing sector† (AFP, 2010). Competitive Risk Formally declared in 2007 and put into effect in August of 2008, China enacted the PRC anti-monopoly law, the first of its kind. This law was designed to â€Å"prevent and halt monopolistic acts, ensure fair market competition, improve economic efficiency, safeguard the interests of consumers and the public interest and promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy† (China Law and Practice, 2010). This law offers protection and intervention against international companies attempting to exploit or disrupt domestic businesses inside China. The competitive risk remains high and the visiting company such as Blueberry Inc. must be aware of the anti-monopoly laws that could threaten the organization’s assets. Taxation China has its own taxation laws. The Ministry of Finance is the national agency that oversees economic regulations, government expenditure as well as fiscal and macroeconomic policies under the Central Government. Though minimal risk exists, it is a claim the nation’s governing authorities echo to this day. â€Å"The previous system of corporate taxation, whereby foreign-invested enterprises or FIEs enjoyed low rates of tax compared with domestic companies, began to be phased out in January 2008, and full unification of the taxation systems for domestic companies and FIEs is likely to be achieved by the end of the forecast period† (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2010). By the end of 2008, China had instituted Double Taxation Agreements that prevent double taxation, with 94 countries (Worldwide Tax, 2009). Risk and Challenges Market Risks (Four P’s) The four P’s refers to product, price, place and promotion; these are the composition of the marketing mix. These parameters can be controlled my marketing managers in different environments. The four P’s are vital for product implementation and the success of the product. Blue Berry inc. must be mindful of the marketing risk associated with the conducting business in China (Hill, 2010) p.592 describes the marking mix as â€Å"the set of choices the firm offers to its target market.† Therefore, Blue Berry inc. must be aware that the marking mix which, worked in the United States would need to be adjusted for the Chinese market. The company will have to vary the marketing mix in China because of culture, economic development, product standard and the distribution channels, therefore the product design, distribution strategy, pricing, and promotion strategy must match with the Chinese market, if, Blue Berry Inc. is to strive in the this environment (Hill, 2007). For example, Blue Berry Inc. must ensure the price is feasible because China have a population of 865 million which is 15-64 years of age; these ages comprise the working class of the country and; tend to be price sensitive because of a generation gap. Blue Berry Inc. will have to adjust the smart phone, since there is a generational gap. Therefore, the firm may need to have a few different models to satisfy local responsiveness. Distribution and Supply Chain Risks A critical portion of the marketing mix is the distribution strategy, in contrast not having a strategy is asking for trouble. The way Blue Berry Inc. distribute the supply of high-tech phones is a large portion of how the company decides to enter the Chinese market. The risk associated with the distribution and supply chain is vital for Blue Berry Inc. entry into the Chinese market. The differences in the distribution chain within countries are retail concentration, channel length, channel exclusivity, and channel quality; choosing the right channel is of up most importance. Therefore, Blue Berry Inc. must access which; channel will best serve the need of the company. Since, China is heavily populated; a fragmented retail system would best serve the company because the mass of the populace will travel by walking. In addition, the company would benefit if the phones are sold through a short channel system, Blue Berry Inc. would use a wholesaler and then the phones is distributed through fragment retail markets, thus reducing the financial burden. As mention prior; there is a risk of a supply chain as well. The risks are supply disruption, cost barriers, breakdown in global dispersed supply chain as the case with attaches of September 11, 2001. As well as having control of the supply chain. Blue Berry Inc. have minimized the risk by outsourcing the production of phone in the host country of China ; therefore having the supply chain there is cost effective and give the company more control. However, there is risk from the government as well because China will have an upcoming election in 2012 if there is any significant policy failure by the current leadership within it could reopen the terms of the deal. If the government were, for example, to mishandle its response to the current global economic crisis, this could lead to a further upsurge in social instability (EIU, 2010). Physical and Environmental Challenges to Entering and Operating in China The physical and environmental risk associated with entering and operating in China is that 27 % of region is plagued with desertification and floods. The areas is either too dry or receive too much water. This could pose a problem because if the region floods frequently, this could damage Blue Berry Inc’s operations and supply chain. Furthermore, the results from droughts could cause unrest in the region and workers to be unruly because of the lack of adequate driving water (Freeberne, 2010). Social and Cultural Risks The risk with Social and cultural in china is , China is a country with social class divisions which was strengthen in communist rule that divides rural peasantry and urban dwellers; could be a risk because this restricts most Chinese to their birth place. This keeps many Chinese from urban privileges such as compulsory education, quality schools, health care, public housing, varieties of foodstuffs (Hill, 2007). However, these walls have crumbled over the years; they are being resurrected in today’s urban china. The risk here is that social stratification will cause tension between management and labor; this could cause tension with operations for Blue Berry Inc. Furthermore, human capital is limited in terms of skilled labors. A perfect case in point is that Chinese companies are experiencing a labor shortage, so much that they have to raise wages. In 2006 salaries was increased by 40% in an attempt to lure in skilled labors in China (Business week, 2006). The Guangdong Province have 2.5 million jobs that still remain unfilled because of skilled labor force; in attempt to curve this current problem, U.S. companies in China believe better education and training is a way to change the game. Nonetheless, according to consultant McKinsey Co, â€Å"China today has fewer than 5,000 managers with the skills needed by multinationals, 75,000 jobs for such managers are expected to be created over the next five years.† (Business week, 2006). Cyber or Technology Since, productions is based from china, there needs to be constant communication from the United States and from the distribution point to local venders through Internet capability and advance technology for tracking orders and inventory. Therefore, there is a risk that not having the correct human capital in place; because of social stratification will be a huge factor. Blue Berry Inc. must be mindful of where operations will be established. For example â€Å"Motorola regularly hires graduates straight from school and then trains them at its Motorola University in Beijing. Intel Corp., have invested $1.3 billion in chip assembly, testing, and research and development in China, has backed initiatives that have trained 600,000 teachers there† (Business week, 2006). Managing Risks Political, Legal, and Regulatory The political, legal, and regulatory risks previously covered call for Blueberry Incorporated to stay abreast of changes that could affect the company. Hill (2009) stated â€Å"Many firms devote considerable attention to political risk analysis and to quantifying political risk† (p. 679). Since many of China’s policies protect their home organizations, as previously mentioned, partnering with one of their strongest telecommunications companies, Huawei or ZTE will extend their protection to Blueberry Incorporated. Exchange and Repatriation of Funds As a company that will engage in production and shipping, Blueberry needs to protect itself from possible exchange rate changes by engaging in forward exchange. Hill (2009) stated â€Å"A forward exchange occurs when two parties agree to exchange currency and execute the deal at some specific date in the future. Exchange rates governing such future transactions are referred to as forward exchange rates† (p. 327). Transactions in amounts exceeding $200,000 U.S. require SAFE’s approval. Blueberry would seek expert advice from the South Asian Federation Exchanges (SAFE) and consider working with transactions below the $200, 000 U.S. limit. Competitive Risk By introducing a new phone, Blueberry will get the attention of other companies and trigger an interest on launching a better product. Maintaining a low cost production and a marketing that will generate a strong customer base will minimize the effects of competition. Hill (2009) stated â€Å"Once a firm has established a low-cost position, it can act as a barrier to new competition† (p. 431). Partnering with Huawei or ZTE would eliminate a strong competitor in China’s telecommunications market and minimize the risks associated with competition. Taxation and Double Taxation The fact that China follows existing agreements that avoid double taxation is a benefit for Blueberry; however, the company must stay informed of political changes that could impact the existing laws and if needed take immediate action to avoid a negative financial impact. Blueberry can stay informed of political changes and changes in taxation laws by monitoring announced or projected changes on taxation announced by The Ministry of Finance. Market Risk As a new company competing in the Chinese market, Blueberry Incorporated must focus on the necessary research that will produce a good picture of effective marketing, pricing, and details that will make its new telephone attractive to the people of China. Once a clear picture is obtained, Blueberry will have a blueprint to follow. Besides designing a cellular telephone with all applications in the Chinese language, Blueberry Incorporated will take advantage of the money saved by producing the cellular telephones in China and offer telephones loaded with attractive applications. Distribution and Supply Chain To eliminate the possibility of losing control of the supply chain and ensure a clear distribution channel, Blueberry will select a short channel system. As previously mentioned, Blueberry Incorporated would use a wholesaler and then the telephones would be distributed through fragmented retail markets. Physical and Environmental Challenges Understanding the environmental challenges in China and how they can affect the operations and supply chain, Blueberry Incorporated must ensure that a location that will allow its objectives and goals to be reached is selected. Establishing operations in a drought or flood risk zone could affect Blueberry’s intentions of succeeding in China. To mange this risk, the company must ensure that facilities and channel system selected are clear of these threats. Social and Cultural To succeed in the Chinese market, Blueberry must have a clear picture of what is attractive to the Chinese people. Hill (2009) stated â€Å"Because different segments exhibit different patterns of purchasing behavior, firms often adjust their marketing mix from segment to segment† (p. 593). Blueberry must also focus on creating an organizational culture where the local management and labor set aside differences and separation caused by living in a communist country. A clear mission statement and training sessions focused on inspiring team work would help manage this risk. Cyber or Technology To stay ahead of the competition and to minimize possible risks, Blueberry must take full advantage of the latest cyber and technological advances. Hill (2009) stated â€Å"These developments make it possible for a firm to create and then manage a globally dispersed production system, further facilitating the globalization of production† (p. 12). When considering a location based on physical and environmental threats, the location must also meet the communications access required to manage a business overseas. To mange possible risks, Blueberry must hire the right number of people and provide them with the equipment required for the tracking and distribution of its product. Mission and Objectives Blueberry’s mission is to succeed at launching a new American designed cellular telephone in China and becoming a successful telecommunications organization in the Chinese market. By creating an organizational culture with strong ethical beliefs and promoting a team work mentality, Blueberry Incorporated’s goal is to become the most accepted American company operating in China. The objectives that will serve as stepping stones to reach Blueberry Incorporated’s goal focus on managing the risks associated with doing business in a foreign country; specifically, China, partnering with a strong local telecommunications company, and operating in an ethical manner. These objectives will be followed by operating as an individual telecommunications company in China. SWOT Analysis Strengths: launching of a new product, awareness of and management of risks associated with conducting business in China, and the opportunity of becoming the partner of a strong already established Telecommunications Company in China. Weaknesses: the need for strong financial resources needed, production capability, lack of experience in the Chinese market, identifying a location free of physical and environmental threats, communism related separation in the country, social and cultural differences. Opportunities: not having double taxation, introducing a new telephone, high number of shipping channels available, possible success from exploring the Chinese market, attractiveness, and acceptance of a high technology telephone, opportunity to partner up with a strong telecommunications company, and demand for cellular telephones. Threats: operating in a communist country, understanding and adjusting to cultural differences, risks involved in doing business in a foreign country, local laws and regulations, the existing competition in China, controls affecting the exporting of products, avoiding environmental challenges, social and cultural differences, SAFE regulations, unable to become partners with one of the strong telecommunications companies in China, and unexpected changes in a communist country Strategy Selection and Mode of Entry Blueberry Inc will employ a localization strategy for the Blueberry handheld mobile device’s entry into China. The Chinese product launch will be customized to meet the censorship and filters laws that exist within China. As Chinese government holds stringent laws restricting sexual content and anti-communistic material, Blueberry Inc must customize their cell-phone launch prior to entering the market. â€Å"By customizing the product offering to local demands, the firm increases the value of the product in local markets† (Hill, 2009, p. 437). Blueberry will leverage their existing manufacturing facilities in China as part of their entry strategy. With the size of the Chinese market, Blueberry’s management believes they can capture the costs of customization (Hill, 2009). Blueberry’s Inc entrance strategy will include the wholly owned subsidiary approach. The subsidiary approach will enable the company to introduce a localization strategy meeting the specific demands of the market while maintaining control over the product (Hill, 2009). This will increase profitability through product customization enabling higher profit margins. The offset in costs resulting from localization will be realized through higher price points and existing manufacturing infrastructure (Hill, 2009). With the potential size of the Chinese market, scales of economy will exist within the country. Neighboring markets allow for future expansion possibility, leverage the pre-existing manufacturing and operations presence in China. Further, Blueberry Inc’s strategy will include an alliance with the state owned China Mobile, the world’s largest telecommunications company with more than 500 million customers (China Mobile, 2010). With Blueberry Inc’s current existing infrastructure and lower labor costs, the capital costs associated with the wholly owned subsidiary approach will be minimal. The alignment with China Mobile will offer a vehicle for instant market access without the cultural learning curve required starting anew (Hill, 2009). The wholly owned subsidiary will allow Blueberry Inc to customize their product while protecting their intellectual proprietary technology. China mobile will benefit from the flexibility of Blueberry’s Inc manufacturing and product turnaround in exchange for access to a vast customer base, while showcasing Blueberry Inc’s product as part of the client contract offering. The wholly owned subsidiary will allow Blueberry Inc to capture one hund red percent of the profits, and maintain an economy of scale with access to China Mobile’s customer base (Hill, 2009). Additionally, as China Mobile is looking to enter the U.S. market, China Mobile can leverage the Blueberry Inc relationship as part of their entrance strategy into North America. Blueberry Inc’s alignment with China Mobile will enable immediate access to the Chinese market but will also increase U.S. sales with China Mobiles expansion. Contingent Plan The contingent plan in the event the China Mobile Alliance fails fruition, will involve a financing campaign to secure funds to increase marketing and distribution networks. Blueberry Inc will also seek alternative telecommunication providers to leverage their current market and access to instant customers and brand. Blueberry China believes the alliance with a recognized Chinese brand will result in instant credibility and transition the U.S based company into the Chinese market. The Marketing Mix The marking mix is the most important aspect for the Seattle- based Blue Berry Inc. as stated prior; when the discussion of the marking risk arose. The firm understands that for Blue Berry Inc.; to thrive in the Chinese market the marketing mix must be varied to that environment. Blue Berry Inc is producing the smart phones in China to save on production cost, which will benefit the company because the firm can offer a competitive price to the Chinese market. The phones are sold through a short channel system and will be distributed through a wholesaler; then the phones are distributed through fragment retail markets. In addition, Blue Berry Inc, would have managers in place at the point of production to oversee the phones are up to the standard and quality of the company. Since, the Chinese market is much more diverse from that of the United States; the smart phones must be customized to gain local consumer responsiveness. China has more than100 million users of the Internet according to (Hill, 2009) and the rate is growing fast, therefore the firm needs to make the smart phone; a small computer in the palm of the user’s hand, so users can have Internet capability on the go. This is different in comparison to the phones distributed in the Canadian and U.S. Markets because the users in these markets will have to pay for additional services. Product Modification As mentioned previously, the consumers of the Canadian and U.S. market will endure a different type of the marketing mix; this will not be the same for consumers in the Chinese market. The smart phones sold in the Chinese market will adhere to a very different marketing mix because the smart phone distributed in China will have a built-in camera and will be sold with a blue tooth ear piece already paired with the phone in addition, will have many applications preinstalled on the phone, but not limited to Google maps, music store, free Internet access, and English teaching capabilities. Blue Berry Inc. can offer these services at no extra charge to the Chinese market because of the cost savings of production in the China. Pricing The pricing in the Chinese market will be competitive. Since, the market for cell phones has become a norm in the urban areas of China due the bustling economy and large population; the price of phones in the region has decreased. The cheapest Camera phone is about $72 US (Gia, 2009). What Blue Berry Inc. would like to do is price the smart phones with all the features for far less than this price; because of the cost saving the firm achieved in local production. Market Indicators and Trends China is a developing country and so are the trends of the society. The impacts of mobile phones in china have created a twenty –first century techno- culture; in China, mobile phones are both metaphor and practice which is transforming the Chinese society because of new classes and mobility (Gai, 2009). The attention is mainly focused on migrant worker and the elderly, but most notably the mobile phone in china is maintaining social relationships (Gai, 2009). Research has suggested that the growing use of cell phones in the urban areas of China have taken an important role for the mobile market. E-Business Although the firm will have a short channel distribution system to be sold at local venders, Blue Berry Inc. managers understands that reaching outside the urban areas of China will be profitable, therefore the firm will have a website with business partner Huawei the telecommunications company based in China; to tap into the suburban market. The website would present users with weekly promotions of sale of the smart phone and offer discounts from the service contracts with Huawei. In addition, offer a bill pay feature. Financial Overview Blueberry Inc. is a Sources of Financing Financing is a very important part of setting up the global business venture and there are many available options for financing. Blueberry Inc can choose from both international and domestic lenders. The People’s Republic of China is a member of the Asian Development Bank or ADB, a financial instituion based in Manila. The ADB â€Å"provides direct assistance to private enterprises of developing countries through equity investments, guarantees, and loans† (ADB, 2010). The U.S. Commercial Service’s Liaison Office to the ADB or CS ADB oversees the process of firms based in the United States that are interested in pursuing business opportunities in the ADB member nations (CS ADB, 2010). The ADB is a commercial bank that provides financing for foreign investors and borrowers. In addition to highly desirable interest rates, Blueberry Inc. can utilize the services of CS ADB for counseling and market research as well as introductions and appointments with key ADP office rs (CS ADB, 2010). U.S. Bancorp is the parent company of the fifth largest commercial bank in the United States, U.S. Bank. U.S. Bank is an institution well known for helping both established businesses expanding into new emerging markets as well as small businesses entering into global markets (U.S. Bank, 2010). In addition to loans, U.S. Bank offers a variety of services including risk management and trade negotiation assistance. Borrowing from this domestic bank lowers the chances of Blueberry Inc. losing money from profits. U.S. Bank offers assistance with currency risk management to help organizations like Blueberry Inc. manage foreign currency risks and other circumstances in undesirable foreign exchange rate environments. When choosing the best financial source option, Blueberry Inc. must look at more than interest rates and financing. U.S. Bank offers extensive risk management tools. The company helps with translation, transaction, sovereign, exchange, and economic risk. Translation risk deals with accounting risks due to translated statements from currency to currency. Transaction risk is linked with possible losses and gains on transactions vulnerable to foreign exchange rate movements. Sovereign risk is associated with political risks while availability, government exchange controls and the transfer of hard currency out of the country influence exchange risk (U.S. Bank, 2010). Organizational Business Structure There exists much competition as Blueberry Inc. introduces the cell phone into the Chinese market. As a result, Blueberry Inc. global subsidiary promotes greater local responsiveness with incorporation of Blueberry China (Hill, 2009). Blueberry Inc decisions pertaining to â€Å"overall firm strategy, major financial expenditures, financial objectives, and legal issues† will remain centralized through their headquarters in Seattle, Washington (Hill, 2009, p. 453). The â€Å"production, marketing, RD, and human resources† decisions will be de-centralized and overseen through the operations of the Chinese subsidiary (Hill, 2009, p.453). The de-centralization component enables for localization of the product while creating cost economies with immediate access to market, while the centralization component permits the company to maintain control of the overall corporate vision as it aligns with international strategy (Hill, 2009). Furthermore, the de-centralization structure within China offers product flexibility resulting from market dynamics. This approach will yield better decision making and product control as the management will be closer to influences of the market (Hill, 2009). Blueberry Inc will utilize a Worldwide Product Divisional Structure. This structure aligns with the de-centralized decision making components and â€Å"facilitates local responsiveness† particular to the conditions of the Chinese market (Hill, 2009, p.457). The centralized decision making components are overseen and controlled at the Seattle headquarter level. Figure 1 illustrates Blueberry Inc’s World Wide Product Divisional Structure. Figure 1- Blueberry Inc’s World Wide Product Divisional Structure SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT When change to strategy or tactics change; reporting through the functional unit support consists of front line supervisors and field personnel who report to their functional managers. Functional managers report to Regional Vice President, who report to Blueberry Incorporated headquarters. Figure 1 illustrates the chain of command when there is need for change to strategy or tactics. This structure enables headquarters to maintain overall strategic development and financial control over each world-wide product group (Hill, 2009). Exit Strategy Smart phone technology is rampantly changing. The obsolete technology timeframe is getting shorter. To accommodate a growing Chinese economy and the need for increasingly innovative smart phone technologies, the need for capital will increase. Manufacturing capacity and for manufacturing refit will become costly. As Chinese competition is heavily funded, Blueberry Inc’s market intelligence will be imperative as the company diversifies their technology portfolio. Blueberry Inc will have to seek additional capital from both domestic and international markets to maintain competitiveness. As revenues are generated in China, Blueberry Inc’s will explore business opportunities in the eastern hemisphere, leveraging their manufacturing and operations presence in China. Blueberry Inc believes in the sustainability of the Chinese market and recognizes the potential through technology diversification. With current infrastructure in place, Blueberry will diversify their t echnology offering, branding the Blueberry China brand as a staple of innovation. Aligning with their entrance strategy, China was seen as a market to leverage into future markets. The alliance of a major telecommunications presents a model for future diversification. The founders or equity stake holders exit strategy will be through an Initial Purchase Offering (IPO). Taking the company public will allow for investors to exit the company and divest their equity holding through stock sale. In the event Blueberry Inc encounters unmanageable obstacles, the company could consider being acquired or setting themselves up for a sale. Final Recommendation To better understand the challenges faced when operating in the Chinese market and the risks associated with conducting business in a foreign country, Blueberry Incorporated conducted research in the form of a region and a country analysis. With the intention of balancing out the pros and cons associated with launching its cellular telephone in China, the company also conducted a SWOT Analysis. Cultural differences, threats of terrorism, poor medical services, and government corruption were some of the challenges identified as a result of conducting a country analysis. If Blueberry Incorporated decides to move forward with operating in China, the company would have to keep a close eye on the many threats associated with doing business in the Chinese market and focus on how to manage these risks. Operating outside of the United States is not a new venture for Blueberry Incorporated, the company’s has been very successful operating in Canada; however, operating in a communist country presents new challenges. There are other challenges that must also be considered; entering a market in which two very strong telecommunications companies have established themselves can also be very challenging. Entering the Chinese market would bring many challenges to Blueberry Incorporated; however, even though there would be challenges to manage, the market offers an attractive business opportunity for the Seattle-based telecommunications company. It is recommended that Blueberry Incorporated moves forward with entering the Chinese market. As previously highlighted, every day 120,000 people in China subscribe to a cellular telephone service; it was also mentioned that China’s economy is strong and continues to grow. Blueberry Incorporated has a foot in the door; the fact that Blueberry products are already being produced in China places the company a step closer to achieving its goal of achieving success in the market. If Blueberry Incorporated manages to create an alliance with one of the two largest telecommunications companies in China, it will be on its way to becoming a successful telecommunications company in the Chinese market. Conclusion (Manny) References ADB. (2010). Asian Development Bank. Retrieved April 1, 2010 from (2006,  March). How Rising Wages Are Changing The Game In China. Business week, Retrieved from: AFP. (2010). Retrieved April 2, 2010 from   BLOOMBERG.  (2010).  Business Exchange.   Retrieved from Chan, J. (2006). China’s national people’s congress focuses on social instability. 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Retrieved April 2, 2010 from GLOBAL BUSINESS PLAN PAGE \* Arabic 23 Running head: GLOBAL BUSINESS PLAN 1 GLOBAL BUSINESS PLAN 2 Blueberry Inc Headquarters Seattle Washington U.S Product Group China Product Group International Product Group Sales and Marketing Research and Development Production and Logistics Sales and Marketing Research and Development Production and Logistics Sales and Marketing Research and Development Production and Logistics Functional Unit Support (Frontline) Functional Unit Support (Frontline) Functional Unit Support (Frontline) Frontline Supervisors FS Unit Management FS Unit Management Regional Management-Executive Regional Management-Executive Research Papers on Blueberry Incorporated - Global Business PlanAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaDefinition of Export QuotasTwilight of the UAWOpen Architechture a white paperThe Project Managment Office SystemPETSTEL analysis of IndiaMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceThe Effects of Illegal Immigration

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Art in the field Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Art in the field - Assignment Example Initially designed to serve as a private get-a-away for the family that bought the area, the Hakone Garden was influenced by the family’s visit to Japan and their admiration for the local architecture and landscaping present there. Japanese landscape artists and architects helped to bring their vision to reality while maintaining an air of authenticity for the garden. The garden is set in layers which allow the visitor to experience each different section in leisure and to really absorb their charms. Though the Garden is smaller as compared to other national or specialty parks this works to bring to a picturesque quality to the whole setting and for those who are truly looking to experience the Japanese ‘art’ it is very easy to spend hours just strolling among the landscape. Personally the section which attracted me the most was the Bamboo garden. These tall ‘grass’ are an oddity when compared to the natural forests we are used to; the long and slender stalks reaching up to meet the sky create a very unique world to walk through. There is a strength depicted in the garden where so many bamboos stand together to create a curtain of green and it can be intimidating in a sense. The serenity of the place when combined with this deeper strength creates two layers of meaning to the section and this is why I felt most attracted to it. The Koi pond was a beautiful and the fish in no little way contributed to that. The flashing red of the fish when contrasted with the blue flowing water made for a very eye-catching combination. At the time of my visit, preparations were going on for a wedding to be held in the afternoon. The beautiful backgrounds make for a unique photo shoot, and many people admire the opportunity to indulge in a different culture while celebrating their special days. The garden presents a window into the heritage of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Discussion 1 Week 3 Researching Financial Information Assignment

Discussion 1 Week 3 Researching Financial Information - Assignment Example The cost of operation has been relatively stable in contrast to the increase in total revenue. I would invest in this company with the current financial position. This is because the company dynamic is upwards and they are no indication to show this is likely to change. Investing in young company before they become big has an added advantage as one is able to gain from its growth. The company profit curve has been on the rise although sometimes the curve drops down than the previous financial year. The company has performed well in the universal economic hard times and has maintained its overall total revenue. The total expenditure has been regulated and tend to as low as possible. This is as a result of effective managerial skills. I would give an advice that, this companys future is so bright and the trend that it has portrayed over the past few years has proven this. The management of the company is effective in cutting down the cost of running. This should go on to see the company gain more ( Orhangazi,

Assistant rotation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assistant rotation - Essay Example I was lucky to be able to help put them in place. Then, the most important aspect about the processor is listening in order to put down on the paper. Some children’s parent did not want their kids to have fluoride, and were to follow the parent’s request. These factors included: health risk, allergy, or other medical factors. All the children behaved extremely well in the entire process. I did not have any problem performing FL to them. Subsequently, I noticed by wearing the gown, mast, and loupe might worry them a little. Because I was cheerful in the process of treatment, the children were happy to cooperate with the FLvitamin. This was because we learned about the fluoride topic in the preventive class which helped me to know how to explain simple sentient to them in order for them to understand. For me, the most important experience of this exercise was teamwork. The doctors and the assistant updated the health history for any oral lesion or cavity. We went over the paperwork and applied the FL procedure. The coordinator made sure all the documents were accurate in each block and any waste unopened FL was to be reported. In addition, I was able to take the time to interact with kids and in the process the rotation was also a great improvement on my knowledge and clinical skills. In this regard, I do not have any negative aspects to add because we all had a great experience on this wonderful

Wagners Die Walkre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wagners Die Walkre - Essay Example The scenes Die Walkure, Act III, Scene 3 presents Walton, overcome and deeply moved by emotions, bidding farewell to Brunnhilde, who was then on her knees. Walton raises her from her knees while gazing her in the eyes, still filled with emotions, and echoes the farewell words. In his sentiments, Walton recalls the beautiful memories that he shared with Brunnhilde while expressing his regrets and difficulties that he was experiencing at the moment. The mood in these setting is that of grief, when Walton, despite his love for Brunnhilde, has to leave. The scenes presented the comeback of Valkyries from a battle joined by Brunnhilde alongside Sieglinde. Sieglinde had to live to bear Siegmund’s child, and is currently allowed away, prior to Walton’s arrival. Valkyries condemns his adorable daughter onto a rock, where she had to lie senselessly until roused by a mortal who was to be her husband. She pleads that her husband should be son to Sieglinde, whose name would be Siegfried. Walton departs leaving Brunnhilde surrounded by a protective fire meant to guard her as she sleeps to her magic (Roth 153). Once more, the motifs are interwoven, providing a further dimension to the story that it is complex and fraught with accompaniment of deeper and wider association. Orchestral extracts from Die Walkure include a stormy prelude on the first act, a prelude onto the second and a famous ride of Valkyries that introduces the third act. Siegmund remembers the promise of his father of giving him a sword. The narrative of Sieglinde brings out her sad forced marriage to Hunding. The joy brought by Siegmund to his sister is evident in his winter storms that waned in the moon of delight, while greeting and attributing her coming as the spring The second act of this scene illustrates Fricka’s denunciation of Wotan, and the explanations of Wotan to Brunnhilde, when the love of young pleasure left. Brunnhilde informs Sigmund of his impending death. Her pleas to the father

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Paintings by vincent van gogh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Paintings by vincent van gogh - Essay Example The essay "Paintings by vincent van gogh" explores Vincent van Gogh's paintings. . He remained in Belgium to study art, determined to give happiness by creating beauty. In 1886, he joined his brother Theo in Paris, who was a manager in Goupil's gallery. There he had a chance to meet with Camille Pissarro, Claude Monet and Paul Gauguin, a French post-impressionist who brightened his very dark skid and to make him such a great Impressionist. In the year 1888, he decided to leave France to Arles where he hoped that his companions would join him and start a school of art (Meier-Graete, 2001). Nearly the end of the same year Gauguin joined him but an incident led Gauguin to leave Arles. Van Gogh pleaded to Gaugian not to leave him by threatening to kill Gaugian with a razor blade. This led him to be sent in an asylum in St. Remy for treatment. He was dismissed from the hospital in May 1890 and kept under close check of Dr. Gachet. Two months later he shot himself to death. He sold only on e of his paintings in his short but prolific career. One of Vincent van Gogh painting is called ‘the potato eaters' was painted in 1885. It is currently in Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam Having hardly been used to the art of painting. Van Gogh portrayed five people and tried to make them as natural as possible regardless the effect of the lamb light cast by an oil lamb which makes the work more difficulty. He was not ambitious for color, since he put the gloomy interior as bright as he could (Sunwall, 2004). Their heads and hands are ugly earthed and relatively bigger than their body, just as they have been made from the land they dig. They seem to enjoy their meal more than a rich man can  do from his exquisite meal. Van Gogh wanted to convey the idea that the peasant people eat potatoes using an oil lamb with the same hands with which they take potatoes from the plate to serve their land. It was his first attempt to create a work that would establish his reputation. It bring s us into common peasants’ expressions on their home settings. There is a young woman looking presumably her husband  an attracting manner (Sunwall, 2004). The artist shows us there is love in them, and the people are sexually alive.  Ã‚  Ã‚      Above everything, the yellow and reddish flame of the oil lamp depicted the existence of warmth and light, mineral-grey space that represents night, terror and the cold world. The painting depicts these people lives as harsh and miserable. For instance, the man sited on the left is lost deep in his thought while the woman pours coffee. They might be thinking of injustice around them (Sunwall, 2004). Wheat field under threatening skies Another is called ‘wheat field under threatening skies’ painted in 1890 remains one of the most debated work of van Gogh’s painting due to its many interpretation by different people. Some people see it as his ‘suicide note’ placed on canvas, while others go beyond the shallow overview of the subject matter and think of a more positive approach (Klein, 2006). The painting conveys a sense of loneliness in the wheat fields depicting his final year kind of life. The separate paths in wheat field and crow with the path represent the present and the future of Van Gogh’s life. The paths are displayed in three sets one in the middle towards the horizon and the other two in each foreground corner. The

Life after college Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Life after college - Term Paper Example Additionally, high numbers of job seekers with similar qualification have flooded the job market creating another significant challenge among the fresh graduate of proving their uniqueness before the recruitment panel (Carol, para10). This study therefore, will investigate the challenges that college students undergo through immediately after graduation. In above connection, the study will focus on unemployment and high debts among college graduates. Challenges student come across after college graduation, including unemployment and high debts Higher education has greatly been attributed to numerous benefits such as; improved standard of living, higher income, increased productivity and reduction in production cost among other benefits. Additionally, numerous states provide higher income to those with higher level of education as compared to those with lower education levels (Roksa, Josipa and Richard, para2-25). For instance, high school graduates were anticipated to receive lower i ncome as compared to diploma and degree holders. However, there have been some variations in respect education to level of education and income. ... Connectively, most college graduate faced the challenges of securing a job because most of the courses they took at their respective universities could not correlate with the market demand. This forced many employers to recruit college graduates from other foreign countries (Coy, paras1-6). In above connection, lack of adequate academic engagement such as working while still in college, especially during vacation has contributed greatly to unemployment among the college graduates. This is because through academic engagements students not only acquire new experience but also experience tremendous growth in their career life. This provides them competitive edge of securing a job after completing their college education (Roksa, Josipa and Richard, para17). Additionally, some college students may found that employers are not hiring on their geographical areas and therefore, some may find it quite challenging to move into new areas to look for a job due to housing and income problems (Car ol, paras1-5). On the other hand, most college graduates do not make to the interview room despite sending their application. This is because of improper writing of their resumes which denies them a chance to be invited for an interview despite being qualified for a job. However, some who make to an interview room fails to get a job due to failure of expressing themselves properly such that an employer can become convinced that they are the best candidates for a job. Connectively, majority of the college graduate tend to be confused on what to do after completing their college. This is because some do not know where to start (Carol, para5). Research report indicates that most students after graduation lacks financial freedom and tend to rely heavily on their parents